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Yeah I guess if I was a Dane I would be blackpilling too.
Not even just because specifically those people won't be in the admin, but also the fact that he is going out his way to announce that the exact people we don't want anywhere near him are gone, is definitely him signaling that he knows exactly what personnel mistakes he made during his first term. Of course its way too soon to see how it will all play out, it still could just be a repeat of his first term, but its a very good sign at least.

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Three days weekends are very nice.
I take it he's still asleep? Wouldn't be here otherwise after all.

Weekend was fine. Got a bit drunk during Saturday though.
Hopefully it's good. The beer they had on the front page looked very interesting at least. Plenty Belgian ones!
See if you can get something similar~
Might not enjoy all of it, but it's exciting to "unwrap" one every day. Plus, you got someone to share them with now as well!
Beer just tastes much better in good company

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What a fag. Although I dunno what DXM is. DirectX Mobile? ;)
> uses an acronym, then proceeds with using the one for Mass Effect
I'm surprised you can even type like this on a phone.
Well, at least they don't smell like smoking does, I guess. At least some vaping doesn't.
Sure, just gonna ship them all over the arctic and through the desert. I'm sure they'll all have gone sour once they arrive.

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Cough medicine that gets you high and causes disassociation.  Also destroys your memory and IQ, don't do drugs kids.
Typing on a phone is easy, just slow.  Where's that Neura-link Elon!?
Everything smells like strawberry-banana cotton candy, I wanna puke...
It's not fair Hu, you've shown off so many beers I want, and I just know you lil advent calendar will have more.

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Jesus. Something for something then. You stop smoking, and he stops DXM! Both better off in the end too.
> Typing on a phone is easy, just slow. Where's that Neura-link Elon!?
Just talk to it. AI will input what you say, without issue. Except you might wake someone up if you did.
They illegalised "vape with flavour" here. Now it supposedly all tastes like regular cigarettes. Sure as hell smells like it at least.
Probably will. Had 3 beer during Saturday which I haven't had before either, as well.
I'm sure you can find plenty beer you'd like as well. Just not at the closest store

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Weening him off his vices takes time, we'll get there.
Yeah, no talking for now.
They did that in Cali for cigarettes, but not vapes.  Just bumped the age limit up to 21 here.
My plan is to just keep reminding him that nicotine accelerates aging, A LOT.
No, I want the ones you showed off, damn it!

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Few addictions can be stopped instantaneously. Working on it is still progress.
Can you even get cigarettes with flavour, other than menthol?
That should any femboy worry. Good idea.
Box of 12 mixed sours? :3
Sister was definitely very happy with them

What a good girl

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I have heard the tales of pulling off such feats, but have never been able to do one myself. I have been awake for more than 24 hours, but had a purpose in it.
Things are okay, just not working out the way I hoped for and all. I'm not homeless or anything so can't complain too much.

Someone has to remember.

I will forgive then. Did you win?

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I haven't been able to stay up more than 24 hours to "reset" my sleep schedule. Only times I've been able to was because I've had some other dire purpose.
I can complain, but what good will it do? Sure there's a "get it off your chest" idea too, but it can only go so far. It seems it goes for some of those out there, just not for me or others.

So some sort of multiplayer roguelike game?

Sephiroth is kinda cool though. :^(

I barely get it either but think of all the stupid "soyjack" images you see these days. It all comes from that site. Which I guess happened after /qa/ was closed? Forget the site name. It's all retarded.

Well time for bed. :^) Enjoy your day.

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It seemed to work, but probably placebo as the raid was already effectively ending.

An hourly thread limit of 1 has been instituted.
A captcha system has been implemented for thread creation.
Containment threads will be allowed to exist until raid posting subsides.
All other posting resumes as normal.

It seems they were "raiding" the board to get a fucking post number. Because they can only do that on boards with a predictable post count like the retards they are.
I'd say give out bans but it's probably a VPN, or they'll use one regardless. You're kind of powerless in these situations. Thankfully they happen rarely.

Been up this whole time?

I don't know how you are.

Even with the free time I have it seems that way.

Yeah I was doing that one too, the investigator tapes one for xp, since leveling up agents can eat through them. Especially because I made the mistake of trying to level everyone up at first. It does usually take me less than 30 seconds. But anything else can take me from that to a few minutes.

Such is life as they say.

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I was doing the tapes ones for XP for a while, but now I have most of the characters I want to use at level 60, and I've been running out of dennies so I've been doing that one instead. Those ones are easy cause you can just mash the attack button and clear them fast, but the others can be more annoying. Still if you just want to do the dailies to get your polychrome its the fastest way.

The zennies, or whatever they call them in this game, do seem to go pretty fast too once you get into the higher levels.
You don't even need to spend stamina to get the daily polychrome, just drink coffee and and eat noodles. Though guess you can max out on stamina and can only eat noodles after a battle.

It's the best I can do.

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Might be.
More like they ARE a charity.  The fund education and assistance programs.
Remember also this is the company that vowed to create an entire arm of their company to develop and research VR and AI tech to ""cure depression"".
That last one is lmao and whatever, but the actual charity stuff at least keeps them somewhat honest to their company motto of "tech Otakus save the wold".

You die if you work!
Have you been eating well?

Damn it.  We all should have known we were in for bad memes when Elon got in on it.

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Ah. Good guy Mihoyo. 
Assistance as in like elderly assistance? Poor people assistance? 
If you didn't get your bf and they released a VR AI goat gf simulator it would've cured your depression.

Cringe name aside, if Elon actually accomplishes what he says he's going to it would be pretty great!

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Only sometimes!  Well I can relate to that lately too.  Today will be a somewhat goy sloppy day.
Yeah, it's actually quite neat.  HoYo as a company really are kinda cool, even if that will be short lived.  And they're Chinese.
What's she from, she's cute!

Jesus... sauce?
Indeed, Dawei not so bad after all.
Wait, can I still have my goat and birb mom AI wife too?

Yeah but...  the cringe...  we'll all die of cringe before it takes effect.

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Huh, interesting.
No, he'll get jealous.

Sometimes I like Elon, but man sometimes do I hate him...
Been catching up on what I missed out on in Trump world over the last day, people also seem to be throwing a fit because Trump nominated a Fox host to be secretary of defense.

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What else would it be?!
I dunno, think you'll have to take that one up with him.

I'll forgive him if he actually fires 2/3 of the government. I did see people on Jap twitter saying he's going to ruin America like he did twitter. Which I suppose is an apt analogy because both are things that couldn't get much worse when he took over!
Yeah, him. Although, seems like he is a veteran with a decent service record too, but saying Fox host is funnier. Definitely more qualified than the NIGGER that disgraces that position at the moment.

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King of Coomers: NIKKE.

How many videos of crying former low level government employees do you think we'll get? Will any of them be stupid enough to say or expose things they really shouldn't out of spite?
Trust the plan. :)
Also I have been enjoying all the leftists saying that the election was rigged. Very funny.

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