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To be fair that "first arrest will shock the world" is some kind of meme and it seems it spreads, despite being false.
It seems multiple drops combined into one,, probably even caused by bad memory, that's why it should get called out, otherwise it will spread further.
The Biological Weapons Convention does not prohibit biological weapons.

An overlooked loophole allows development, manufacture and stockpiling for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes.

Deborah G. Rosenbaum, the US Assistant Secretary of Defense for Nuclear, Chemical, and Biological defense programs (ASD(NCB)), testified to the House subcommittee on Intelligence and Special Operations on April 1, 2022, that “I can say to you unequivocally there are no offensive biologic weapons in the Ukraine laboratories that the United States has been involved with.”  With this testimony, the US Department of Defense has made a clear statement that there were no OFFENSIVE biological weapons that the US was involved with.   Did you catch that slight-of-hand? No offensive biological weapons.  Why would the US admit to such a thing?  Wouldn’t that set off alarm bells in the international community?  The answer is that developing and even stockpiling biological weapons is allowed under Article I of the convention on the prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction (BWC).  This international convention (treaty) allows that the development, production and stockpiling of “defensive” biological weapons are perfectly legal. 

In order to understand this, we have to carefully parse what the treaty actually says.  To do that, one must remove the word salad from Article I above and re-write it to say what they are saying, without saying it.  So, let’s examine Article 1 by breaking it down into parts IA and IB.

Article 1A: Each State Party to this Convention undertakes never in any circumstances to develop, produce, stockpile or otherwise acquire or retain:

(1)   Microbial or other biological agents, or toxins whatever their origin or method of procurement.

(2)   Weapons, equipment or means of delivery designed to use such agents or toxins for hostile purposes in armed conflict.

Article 1B: Each State Party to this Convention can develop, produce, stockpile or otherwise acquire or retain:

(1)   Microbial or other biological agents, or toxins whatever their origin or method of procurement for the justification for prophylactic, protective or other peaceful purposes.

Any government could drive a train through this loop-hole.  As long as a signatory of this convention is developing, stockpiling, acquiring or retaining biological or toxin weapons for PROTECTION (undefined what constitutes defensive versus offensive bioweapons), they are not breaking the convention.  Wow. 

He used to fill the KFBK Airwaves in sacramento..

Don't know why but remembering him now. 

 I wonder what he would have said about Klaus, Kissinger and Kilomoisky.

About Ukraine.

That the opportunistic parasite Toxoplasma-gondii, the ancient Egyptian cat goddess Bastet, and the ideas that inform Bruno Latour’s Actor-network theory (ANT) all exist independently are not contested subjects. That they are unified has yet to be examined. The goal of this paper will be to situate these three seemingly disparate phenomena into an interactive web of possibilities that will prove useful for the disciplines of science, social science, mythology, philosophy, and other fields of study. Our first step will be to examine Kevin T. Lafferty’s research on the eco-science of toxoplasmosis[1] in human agents and its cultural outcomes. Lafferty’s work will lay the ground for a complimentary analysis of an ancient Egyptian dynamic that encouraged the (then unknown) proliferation of the parasite into the people’s daily and spiritual life of upper and lower Egypt within the religio/mythic power symbolized in the guise of the female cat deity Bastet[2]. We will then conclude by demonstrating how the microbial and mythic agents (yes, toxoplasma-gondii is considered a non-human agent with agency, along with cats, humans, and Bastet etc.) will be placed into a non-hierarchical perspective of ANT by way of Bruno Latour’s work concerning science, people, microbes, technology (mummification) which is an un-stratified way of understanding the relationships between all the actors/actants involved.

In a 2006 paper Lafferty proposes the idea that the parasite Toxoplasma-gondii has influenced human culture. Lafferty quotes J.P. Webster explaining that the parasite promotes the risk behavior of affected rodents “T. gondii appears to manipulate rodent behavior in sophisticated ways that would increase transmission to domestic cats” (2749). The infected rodents are said to engage in high risk activities so as to get caught and eaten by the cat, thus positioning the parasite in the body of its desired carrier. Felines are the ideal host for the parasite, but humans can become infected due to their proximity to cats as house pets, companions, and domestic pest control. “The reproductive phase of this protozoan lives in the cells that line the intestine of a feline. [And can] infect [other] cats or encyst in the brain and other tissues of a wide range of warm-blooded vertebrates, including humans” (J.K.A. Beverly qtd. in Lafferty 2749). Once the parasite has infected a person, traceable personality traits are said to take place with noted variance between the genders, “For instance, in infected women, intelligence, superego strength […] and affectothymia[3] […] are higher, while infected men have lower intelligence, superego strength and novelty-seeking […]; both infected men and women have higher levels of guilt-proneness […]” (Flegr [sic] and Hrdy [sic], qtd. in Lafferty 2749). Because T. gondii affects men and women in these gender specific ways, using the cultural research of Hofstede & McCrae, Lafferty ‘predicts’ the outcome of “…higher aggregate neuroticism[4]. Aspects of human culture associated with neuroticism are male control, materialism, rules and structure [and] that T. gondii could increase the cultural dimensions of ‘masculine’ sex roles and uncertainty avoidance” (2551).

pt 1
departing baker id:6d7902
baker claiming bread.
can do a few hours, keep the notes upto day also.
At ease anons, relax and enough your trip on the good ship 8kun while the shills, spammers, faggots and clowns are asleep!!
baker id: 5a4cc5
I'm no glowie neather fren. I loves me some warp speed vaccine. It's yummie delicious and I am totally down with the bump stock ban. I turned mines in yesterday to the police and licked them boots plum clean. Cuz they protect us and keep us safe. True heroes. o7.

Before Trump it could work within a few year for politically small countries, like Ukraine for instance, if things go right.  Today?  No chance.  That team you have in your hypothetical just met, in real life Russia, the country they have been trying to take over for centuries and failed every time, and where are they?  Shaking in fear before the Bear.

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