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thumbnail of Lari.png
thumbnail of Lari.png
Lari png
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IMG_2611 jpg
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nordic alien png
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this child's retarded face pisses me off
there's just something about their physiognomy that drives me into a blind rage
maybe it's their fucking fat retard lips, or their eyes which are slanted down
i want to beat this child up

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thumbnail of download (6).jpeg
download (6) jpeg
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thumbnail of brit pepe punch.png
brit pepe punch png
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thumbnail of 500px-Wettenhovi-Aspa,_Jean_Sibelius_Yalen_yliopiston_kunniatohtorina.jpg
500px-Wettenho... jpg
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none. nobody gives a shit.  the only people who you're triggering are shitlibs and they're triggered by anything.

because even with the resurgence of the far-right, OG nazis aren't gaining in relevance. it's too retro. not losing a war against Stalin would've helped perhaps.

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thumbnail of RDT_20241022_0324383299561487661942318.jpg
RDT_20241022... jpg
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