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I feel like Allah (PBUH) is testing our resolve.

This must be His punishment for our lack of retaliation against the schizo spammer.

We've been too soft, so Allah (PBUH) is giving us a hard lesson.

His Highness is showing us that Imageboard Freedom Ain't Free, that we must be ready to defend our liberty to shitpost.

LMFAOOO exactly 1 day after I posted my thread saying germs can't keep a board of their own compared to us Poles with our karachan.org which is even livelier than kc, and that germs are subhuman for it

We Poles are always right :3

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I'm trying to figure out the ring who control 8chan.moe, kc mintboard, 2ch, and ylilauta. 

All of these have zioshit involved and probably hapas. I know ukrainians and trannyscum are there too, with angloscum like Canadians (five bydlo)

So what's the deal? Are the mods all of one type? They seem to be coordinating amongst each other. 

The primary feature of this is the synchronised activity and it's activist method. 

There MUST be people who are like them who watch all this and are really on my side, like other propedo people, who know who this ring is since they self-post info a lot..

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