/kohl/ - Kohlchan


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It's smol Turco-Slavic country on the Balkans, with commieblocks and gypsies. Nice flowers and seashore.

Someone has told me that an interesting fellow i use to know by “edgefrith” or paul inhabits this image board. Please can you guys give me some more info about him or if you are him add me on discord at Vasily_Agapkin#6456

Old discord boyo i use to know and wonder how he has been going

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> tracking down child sex offenders using a sex offender map and and murdering them is bad even though it keeps the community clean
no one gives a shit about your antistuff. stop larping about pedos. let the state get the bad ones.

opposing good pedos is only going to have you executed instead

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Murica! I herd your polititians and mass media wants to turn you against us. Tell me, how many times a day you hear Russia(the most peaceful country) is evil? How many people buying that? How has this changed over time in the last 10 years?
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Sorry for this probably stupid question...but what happened to Kohlchan? It was the successor to krautchan and its not online now? sad :<

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