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thumbnail of 3354E984-4B61-4EC4-8DD6-84284BE4E84F.jpeg
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3354E984-4B61-4EC4-8D... jpeg
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15df5e8d-01b0-4b73-bd... jpg
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thumbnail of Damn you and your anti onion link strictures. FITE DA POWAH!.jpg
thumbnail of Damn you and your anti onion link strictures. FITE DA POWAH!.jpg
Damn you and... jpg
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thumbnail of Nigga whiskey from the hood.jpg
thumbnail of Nigga whiskey from the hood.jpg
Nigga whiskey from... jpg
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thumbnail of playful_hitler.jpg
playful_hitler jpg
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> Poland.
> Slave labor degenerates that gladly pick strawberries or work construction for 4€ and hour if they are summoned by German overlords.
> Whole country is one giant shitfest no one would take serious.

> Pathetic German.

Edgy pedohubris at its best. 
That borderline retarded zoomer mindset is what fucked internet culture.

thumbnail of Jestem zmieszany.png
thumbnail of Jestem zmieszany.png
Jestem zmieszany png
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thumbnail of fritzl-Koler.jpg
thumbnail of fritzl-Koler.jpg
fritzl-Koler jpg
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