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It tried all known to me addresses, including onion and cloudflare, no success. Cloudflare reports server down, since several hours.

Seems to be more than a hiccup.
> pedos are being pedos
> Bernds tell mods that onions/proxys are overdoing it
> get told to shut up, the stupid morafags haha u mad u normie xdd?
> cockbox, the sever host cancels service
> kohlmods are for some reason surprised by this, now claiming on the onion.kohl:
> "we always deleted the CP! the cancellation of service was very mean and we didn't knew it was coming!"
> all the while pedos keep posting CP on onion.kohl
You can't make this shit up.
Source: onion.kohl and refugee threads on Ernst and enchan/kc.
> Poland.
> Slave labor degenerates that gladly pick strawberries or work construction for 4€ and hour if they are summoned by German overlords.
> Whole country is one giant shitfest no one would take serious.

> Pathetic German.

Edgy pedohubris at its best. 
That borderline retarded zoomer mindset is what fucked internet culture.
You know you can search the link in the clear net and you can also hear about it in the dozens of articles made about the topic, right?

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