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/koumori/ - the forest sanctuary

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thumbnail of auge.png
auge png
(415.76 KB, 477x587)
ill attempt to draw daily atleast once and post here, just depending what it feels like
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thumbnail of new pfp.png
thumbnail of new pfp.png
new pfp png
(10.47 KB, 310x301)
Hello everyone right here,

I am someone who draws things I see in my mind. I am currently in Austria, Europe and concern myself mostly with things that are important to god, protecting myself from demons, and having a lifestyle that is acceptable to the divine. Aside from that I either draw or otherwise just create things based on my way I want to. I have a world mentally that I do not really talk about online, albeit there is not much of a reason for it. I made this board so I can feel the homely feeling of having your own board that I have missed for some years.

Hello and heyyo.

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