/kurenai/ - 紅会 Kurenai-kai

Pilgrimage to the Glorious Motherland!

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  1. Array ( [_id] => 5761f6fa0ec89b8440e12a5d [user] => Kurenai [type] => deletion [time] => 2016-06-16T00:46:50.693Z [boardUri] => kurenai [description] => User Kurenai deleted the following threads: 1 and the following posts: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 from board /kurenai/. [global] => [cache] =>

    Type: Posting deletion


    Board: kurenai

    Time: 06/16/2016 (Thu) 00:46:50

    User Kurenai deleted the following threads: 1 and the following posts: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 from board /kurenai/.

  2. Array ( [_id] => 57648e770ec89b8440f02c59 [user] => Kurenai [type] => deletion [time] => 2016-06-17T23:57:43.507Z [boardUri] => kurenai [description] => User Kurenai deleted the following threads: 39 and the following posts: 40 from board /kurenai/. [global] => [cache] =>

    Type: Posting deletion


    Board: kurenai

    Time: 06/17/2016 (Fri) 23:57:43

    User Kurenai deleted the following threads: 39 and the following posts: 40 from board /kurenai/.

  3. Array ( [_id] => 5794596696e262b14efba0d7 [user] => Kurenai [type] => deletion [time] => 2016-07-24T06:00:06.068Z [boardUri] => kurenai [description] => User Kurenai deleted the following threads: 38 from board /kurenai/. [global] => [cache] =>

    Type: Posting deletion


    Board: kurenai

    Time: 07/24/2016 (Sun) 06:00:06

    User Kurenai deleted the following threads: 38 from board /kurenai/.


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