/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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I hear a lot of gossip to do with such of hitler and his sexuality a lot of people told me that hitler was a homosexual
so i have done my research and have found some interesting info that has come to my attention hitler was a homosexual or sodomite in the word of the Christian faith he you can find tons more info in the book the hidden hitler by German historian Lothar Machtan
also never forget to read the pink swastika by Scott lively and Kevin abrams which explains homosexuality in the Nazi party


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We should call "Platypus" the people with down syndrome, why? 
- It's clearly a mistake in the evolution chain, not even immune to its own poison
- He never manages to hit the only hole in the female
- The face is a reminder of that syndrome.
- He is bullied by other animals
- He sees animals moving, but not dead ones, so he is at a disadvantage
- When he walks he looks like a mongoloid
- When they first saw them they thought it was a mistake of nature, and indeed it is.

>  >> The platypus is perfectly comparable to a boy with down syndrome

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No, we think the rich should be rounded up and gassed by empowering a fascist Communist government. That's not PC, but if it is why aren't we hearing more? Granted, the narrow viewed jew loving centre right boomer is the most vilified by PC culture but only because that's the most extreme example they are willing to give a platform to by publicly drawing attention to it. People like us, they just fucking ghost.

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