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I'm posting this so you guys won't create conspiracy theories. I know, my hope us futile.
If everything goes well soon the site's and our problems will be resolved. But they will turn the site read-only mode for a while. I have no information how long the process will take. Keep calm and be patient.


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I know many girls in my local Marxist club who purport to be for socialism and egalitarian principles, and yet their personal lives are wholly contradictory to the leftist principles they preach to other people. Too many left women I know are like this, and unfortunately many leftist men enable this behaviour. 

They follow gender roles when it benefits them, whilst decrying the patriarchy. They dislike men who espouse egalitarian beliefs in their personal lives, instead of just paying lip service like they do. They secretly lust for men espousing the very toxic masculinity they're against. They're dating history attest to the fact. And they plan on marrying a conservative man, so they can be taken care of once theyve out grown their lefty phase. 

I think it should be paramount that we deal with this problem, as our membership increases. Leftist women should be good role models to other women. Our enemies will use leftist women against us.
it sounds like you are talking about one person who you'd like to fuck but is also a dumbass and extrapolating that to all women who are leftist. 

gender roles are fine, "egalitarian" men are generally assholes, masculinity is hot, there's nothing wrong with being attracted to masculinity. you're doing the "i'm a nice guy, and she likes this asshole guy". you're an asshole, and women in general are not like this. you're just friends with a couple dumbshits. 

the last point clinches that fact that you're talking about one specific person. women leftists do not go about spouting about how they want to marry conservatives. you're just wrong on every point, shut the fuck up, mind your own business, and get better friends

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Soros crushed single hurriedly the economy to get Obama elated and single hangman orchestra the Libyan crisis so he could make flood Europe with migrants. This is party to make our white women fuck Chad Arab burn, because Soros finds Anti-White Male Shabazzfeed propaganda hot. But it's also so that he's so dumb Arab bumps can vote left and thus help bring Communism to Europe and that's Us. It's also his Jewish revengence against the wide anti-Semitism. But Hitler did nothing wrong? Oh and Soros himself was a Nazi coat hanger so he, Clear Lee don't like Jews himself whadda race trader. All Jews like him! But he was a Nazi so he is responsible for the Hollow Cost what an evil. Man, Soros is also trying to destroy Israel so he clearly supports Islamic Iran Territories, but it's secretly a machine and he doesn't actually ate Israel because he is a Jew and Fareed Zakaria a place to run. He is also trying to deploy Iran and Libya so he could build a pipeline to deploy Russia's economy because Putin doesn't make shit for him whadda chud. Sors is a Zorastrian terrorist Muslim Community Zionist liberal who wants to destroy the us and create one word currency. Sores also cashed Occupy Wall Street to stop revelation against capitalism from happening. His support UK-ranian Nazis as part of his global efforts to force Russia to join fight the European Union, but Chain National Putin Putin who fights the Glow In the Dark Zion Agenda is fisting evil Soros-founded Ukrainian Nazis. Hitler and Stallin did nothing wrong; and Bashir All-Assadd is good guy, he fight good fight and resist with Humus and Hezbooluh. Is it all part of Soros Xylophone globe plane to put world on Imp debt and bring Marxist? "

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