/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Shit meme pic, learn what imperialism is.
> What, did you think it was the entire basis of our ideology or something?
Sounds like damage control to me. retard /pol/fags constantly make edgelord cringe posts about it. And without whining about the blax, what else is there?

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Ask China, they breed like rabits and every so often have a communist revolution, kill each other off en mass and then they repeat the same old process over and over and over again. Breed, kill, repeat. Breed, kill, repeat.

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a couple of em got nowhere else to go 
4 of em just want to piss around with their immortality shit
actually looking back on it...kisame left his village because he found out a secret of the mizukage, but the secret was that tobi was controlling her/him. but....why'd he leave just to join the guy's groups anyway.
the guy between nagato and yahiko...is he canon I don't remember him at all. 
they really all just acted like mercenaries with nagato ostensibly as the ring leader until they could put their actual plan into play. 
not to mention they were all just being played by zetsu the entire time anyway to get rabbit bitch resurrected

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Sure, if we can ignore our differences then we might get along.

Aside from economics, We both hate Liberals, Feminists, and BLM. I'm on board with some sort of trues.

Besides, our hatred for each other is what the Liberals want.

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