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If I was praising Stalin's purges you would be cheering me on. There is not anything hateful about my ideology. All I see is a bunch of psychos who want to kill a billion people for the revolution.

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Apples and oranges really. While we need ACTUAL marxism for obvious reasons, cultural marxism plays a very important role in turning people against capitalism and against their own society making them ripe for change. Only by destroying what you already have can you impose something as radically different as maxism, marx knew this. Cultural marxism allows us to impose a centralised maxist dictatorship without the need for war.
While I feel your question lacks basic understanding as to be disingenuous I will say marxism obviously, as after the revolution we will have no more need for cultural marxism.

> Cultural Marxism is a fictive term regurgitated from the fascist apologists to legitimize their procapitalist exploitative stances
Please stop learning politics from wikipedia.

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So, a while back us bad goyim here at leftypol made an attempt. We tried to convince Alex Jones that furries were a government plot. And it nearly worked, until the thread got derailed. Had Trump not been dominating the news cycle so hard, I'd say it would of worked. So, with that in mind, let's start this back up, as it was great fun last time. Let's do this, and not stop until he rants about this. In addition, I feel we can spread this conspiracy theory elsewhere to help it gain traction, so that should be a secondary goal.
Things that worked well last time:
Emailing in to InfoWars and others
Making fake infographics to spread
Spreading fake info about this
Making false links to those like Soros
Seeding this theory on alt-right sites like normiepol
Things that did not work: 
"Propaganda" showing this link (there was just too much of it and it derailed the thread.)
So, with all that in mind, let's make shitposting great again.

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