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Hi there, /leftypol/. I wanted to come here to explain the problem with transgenders. See, it's not just because their whole existence is a brainwashed deceit to prevent breeding between two people with opposite genitalia. It's because MtFs and FtMs don't pass with very few exceptions. The MtFs are described well enough in pic related so I'll address the FtMs. FtMs fail just as hard if not worse than the butch lesbians. Both dress like they think manhood equals the style of Limp Bizkit. You can't tell me it's not their belief they THINK they have a male brain. But they don't. Every single time I meet one (their numbers are rapidly increasing), their personalities and therefore their brains are utterly female. I mean sure, they try really hard to pass but they just can't.

Here's my explanation why.
1) Adult men are going to naturally get along with each other most of the time. Even the autistic ones are hard to get along with, but men still do. FtMs do not get along with straight biological men. FtMs run contrary to the "male brain" LIE by naturally getting along with homosexuals, yet shun biological men who know they're men. Straight men are always going to feel uncomfortable around homosexuals.
2) FtMs act like the snob bitch who believes she's above our level. "Ew, you're gross". "You're weird". "CONGRATULATIONS FUCKWIT, YOU WON THE PRIZE", etc. That's not a man. That's a Karen. Whatever you want to call an uptight bitch.
3) FtMs and butch lesbians nag the living fuck out of biological men who know they're men. When he exists, that rare type of man is a douchebag. That man is acting like a woman. FtMs+butch lesbian tryhards in their sports jersies and backwards red caps do that. Just like biological women who know they're women nag men.
4) FtMs ramble on in conversations without getting to the point just like biological women who know they're women. There are no bullet points in their stories. Their story shifts from one subject to another and back again without getting anywhere.
5) FtMs prove when judging men who talk sexual subjects that they do not have male brains. A biological male brain when we're not thinking about the Roman Empire is constantly thinking about either pussy, tits or ass. We are fantasizing about fucking every human being with a vagina in our vicinity. Some men prefer dicking a woman's butthole, but it's the same. Or with no local vaginas, some other biological woman.
6) Biological men not only share sex history with each other with "fuck yeahs" but most of us show nude pics of our conquests. FtMs don't do this. FtMs are above sharing and talking about sex just like biological women who know they're women. An FtM will never say "fuck yeah we're gonna get laid".
7) FtMs are sexually rigid. They will only openly talk to biological women or homosexuals with no cold shoulder. Despite most believing gender is a social construct, that's not a man. That's just a lesbian.
8) FtMs come into the Mens' Restroom with something to prove, but then they sit down to pee. Every single time an FtM has come in to nag me while I'm taking a constipated shit at work to hurry up, the failing to pass biological female then sits down in the stall and I hear her peeing. Men, unless with extreme health issues or also taking a shit and can't control it, do not sit down to pee.
9) Biological men send cock picks without shame. FtMs are ashamed of their vaginas. They're awaiting the day they can afford to have fat sculpted into a makeshift badly represented penis and until then, desire to deny the fact they own a pussy. Know what a man would do if he woke up and suddenly has tits plus a vagina but his brain remains male? After screaming for a couple hours about losing his dick, he would show those tits and vag off to every male friend he's got. He would then get fucked right in the pussy from every possible angle until he died of STDs.
In Conclusion:
The vast majority of FtMs are only confused women. They don't know how to act like men. They're not even capable of emulating us for a fraction when they try.

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