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thumbnail of Generic water in a bottle.jpg
thumbnail of Generic water in a bottle.jpg
Generic water in a... jpg
(16.64 KB, 534x401)
Have you ever seen a sadder example of consumer and corporate culture? Something as simple as water is now a bottled and branded product. Why? WHY? It's fucking water. I can get the same shit from my kitchen sink, and it costs less than one cent per gallon. Bottled water costs around ~$2 and you don't get nearly that amount. And it's the same fucking water. Waters don't have flavor, they're not supposed to. Water isn't supposed to be fresher or better or healthier (not to be confused with cleaner, which it should be by default) just because it was collected at the base of ancient Himalayan mountains from melted snow, or rather, the way it's purported that way. In truth all the bottled water is tap water with a label. People actually fall for this.

This is even worse than people who buy shiny rocks like diamonds and spend thousands because they're "rare" and "muh class status."

Bottled water is a waste of money. Fuck capitalism.
tell that to the people of flint. 
sate institutions have failed to provide potable water in more than just flint, and rather than be held accountable, the convenient human buys bottled water instead of complaining to the local officials.
> I can get the same shit from my kitchen sink

No you can't. Filtration equipment costs money. Government water is not filtered as much as bottled water.

But please continue to drink your government dirt water.
That state being made on the assumption that the bottled water is less filtered than government water.

However it is likely that bottled water is generally filtered more regardless of baseline regulations.

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