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very interesting. 

It is in my opinion the most realistic form of socialism. Talking about worker unity, internationalism, ongoing revolution,.... is all well and good, but ultimately it has proven itself to not be enough. the internationalists never have succeeded in a true borderless, nationless socialist society, and a lot of times where socialism succeeded it went hand in hand with nationalism/regionalism

I find it interesting, and it is weird and sad that they are so villified by other leftwing forms.

especially since their arguments only consist of "muh spook".
From what I've read, not bad. Only nazis ive found as not entirely scum. Their anti-semitism was rooted in hate for "economic anti-semitism" ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Economic_antisemitism ) 
which I feel is a misguided anti capitalism or at least against explotative capitalism.
probably the best kind. shame 8leftypol harasses Strasserites such as myself

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