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Communism is the only ideology that makes any sense wewlad. Yous see communisms is way better than anationali socialism ebcause nationaly socialisme doens;tr geive the workers control of the menns fo production and that is basicallys slaveree your boss neeeeds you but yuo don;r nnedd him and heis basicallt a leach on the worldo and teh joos are the best and will gelp run society once communist revoultioni happens wihgci igs commplet5ely innveniadanble and will ahppen in like 234 years mabye. O mean leekpo at crapalonia adn jewgoslavia there all way betetr thjan america or andy onf those other fprlabian countrys. COMunnimsis ais the best ideolgoy and crapitsalism is basicatly slavery jews are the master race.,

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