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> The revolution cannot pause here, however, and must remain "permanent" in the sense that it must seek worldwide revolution to avoid isolation and thus move towards international socialism.

I'm not sure I understand what he means. Why can't it stop there? If socialism can't stop and be self-sufficient without spreading then it's a very fragile thing. It has to be able to stop and have fixed borders, or the Muslims will jump in and trash things.
Socialism in one country is an unsustainable model, as capitalist powers will do everything they can to crush it, eventually, it will have to succumb to certain elements of capitalism or face total destruction. This has occurred in almost every attempt at socialism.
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Think: banana republics, or how the US siezed Hawaii as a state via intrigue and the Dole Pineapple company as a proxy. 

I think a Socialist country would struggle to weed out corruption if it entered global trade, and the indstrialists in capitalist countries would have the motive and resources to subvert their society. Every elite in the world has been pushing Globalism, which has become defined as global capitalism, and Socialism is a threat to them.
Only by the fertiliser of proletarian blood can the flower of true communism grow. The party has an obligation to engage in permanent and worldwide to ensure that the flower of true communism grows. The most brilliant example was year zero in Cambodia. A glorious offering.
first of all

get out of here /pol/ fag, stop spamming all threads with your bullshit

The two-stage theory is based on the assumption the Socialism develops out of Capitalism. Capitalism gets you closer to the way we would produce in Socialism than feudalism would. In a Capitalist country the proletariat gets born. The Companies become monopols, meaning they produce, more or less, in society as a whole, not in small manufactures. Socialism is the result of a historical process.For example, in ancient Rom the conditions for socialism weren't given.

What permanent revolution means is that after the least, but still imperialist, country becomes socialist, all the other countries have to follow. It's very related to the concept of a world-wide revolution.

It's not a marxist-leninist position, but trotzy. 

A socialist country have to be able to defend itself against the imperialists, thats why that concept is wrong in my opinion. You can't hope for a worldwide revolution, every socialist country is a step in the right direction, regardless of the rest.

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