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The majority of the proletariat are incapable of knowing what is in their interests. It is for the party to decide if a death advances the road to true communism not some arbitrary irrational morality. The deaths were necessary to discover the road to true communism and they deserve no sympathy. Only complete obedience to the party should entail a right to life.
first of all

get the fuck out of here, /pol/ fag

obvious propaganda is obvious, if it isn't to you, you are a degenerated fag equivalent to a defender of the flat earth theory
That was quick wasn't it right?
THERE is always some Stalinist on this site ready to throw us all in a gulag if they ever got the chance. Fellow Kekistanian are you aware of what must be done?
I must agree on one thing. The deaths were necessary. However I am talking about our glorious eternal General Augusto Pinochet. Did I mention you guys wanted to kill a million people in Chile yet you guys call him a "murderer" which is the last thing you guys should call anyone.
I must agree on one thing. The deaths were necessary. However I am talking about our glorious eternal General Augusto Pinochet. Did I mention you guys wanted to kill a million people in Chile yet you guys call him a "murderer" which is the last thing you guys should call anyone.
Communist lives have no value. If you aren't out there slaughtering communists when they try to steal from you then you may was well be considered among them when you starve.

Slaughter communists, and be a real human being.
And libertarians will defend the failed management of Colorado Springs under a libertarian. 
> Muh 100 gorillions
Smh, subhuman classcucks must be fed to a pack of starving wolves.

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