/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

shitpost your way to the left

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Shocker, you're what you hate.

 Seriously, your autism and stupidity is annoying like all you have done is have a 5 yr old temper tantrum and show how stupid you're.

 Grow up, or drink bleach.

 Seriously you don't sound all that smart or really have thought about your positions at all. Basically what I see is the ramblings of an ignorant, immature, brain dead autistic child. 

 Go back to YouTube where you belong..

Nazis are leftist granted not as leftist as u guys and your "Stalin did nothing wrong". You guys actually think anyone to the even slight right of you is far right which Is why you consider us worse than Nazis. Apparently I'm hateful for not wanting to kill millions of innocent people in either gas chambers or gulags. Is there anything more delusional than encouraging mass genocide and purges?

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