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/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

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Comrades, we must stop these neo-nazi sites. Upload our paraphernalia to these sites and keep posting until you are banned, We can do this and take them down. Our fellow people will be talking about this for days!



You can't "take down" sites by contributing content or comments. The way you "take down" sites is by DDoSing their servers (which may be illegal depending whatever country you live in).

Free speech is the way to go. If you are upset, just tell people WHY you are upset. Let them know WHY they are wrong and try to convince them to look at alternative opinions, you know, open their minds a bit.
Telling people Trump was a unqualified dishonest sociopath who put his own interests first,  wasnt enough to stop Trump from winning the primary and then the presidency. Some true  believers are also immune to evidence.

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