a random leftypol banner

/leftypol/ - Leftist Politically Incorrect

shitpost your way to the left

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> I don't like thing
> make it better

Can't you make one instead of bitching about it?
I agree, it was just a placeholder I did for shits n giggles. If you have any to to pitch I'm open for it. Try to make it wider than it is long, ok? The size limit is 200 KB
It was just a suggestion. Plus we needed a banner thread anyway.
Also, I'd happily make banners if I knew how.
You can copy an image off the internet, open up MSPaint and paste it, write text or draw or something, and as long as it's 200 KB or lower, it can be implemented.
I'll see what I can do.
I made some banners a long time ago I might be able to do it again even if I forgot how I did it.
Do me a favor, if you do help out, just to make it more meta, please put the /leftypol/ text on the left side, ok? You don't have to but it'd be cool.
thumbnail of leftypol banner.jpg
thumbnail of leftypol banner.jpg
leftypol banner jpg
(45.27 KB, 400x200)
Shit, I already made it before I saw your reply.
You'll probably like this anyway. I don't know if it's that big but still decent in size and with an improved font.
You forgot the / forward slashes but it's better than what we have currently. implementing now. Thanks.
I tried to include them but unfortunately that font doesn't allow for proper forward slashes. :(

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