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Help to compile a list of resources (preferably free) about non-authoritarian political thought. If you want to see something added, make a thread to discuss adding things to this list and I'll edit it in here if it's good.

Our list so far:
Please note that inclusion on this list is not an endorsement of a work. What you do with this information is your choice.

The Online Library of Liberty
Find hundreds of writings, books, essays, etc. on classical liberal thought.

Mises Institute
Find dozens of free books, audiobooks, and lectures on libertarian thought from an Austrian school perspective.

The Anarchist Library
A massive collection of anarchist literature.

Under Construction - Help build this list!

General Resources
Project Gutenberg
A compilation of free, out-of-copyright books and texts.

A compilation of free, out-of-copyright audiobooks created by volunteers.

iTunes Podcasts
History: https://itunes.apple.com/us/genre/podcasts-history/id1462?mt=2
Government & Organizations: https://itunes.apple.com/us/genre/podcasts-government-organizations/id1325?mt=2
News & Politics: https://itunes.apple.com/us/genre/podcasts-news-politics/id1311?mt=2
Find podcasts with ease through iTunes. Listen to them on the way to work, playing vidja, etc.

Use iTunes to navigate to the iTunesU section to have access to university lectures and programs.

Interesting Reading
Works that are not necessarily about liberty, but may be of interest.

Marxists Internet Archive Library
A massive collection of Marxist literature.
Important Legal Documents: Constitutions
US Constitution
The US Constitution and its amendments. This website also contains many more important legal documents of the US.

Canadian Constitution Act of 1982
The Canadian Constitution Act of 1982, which fully ended British rule and established the modern constitution.

EU Countries' Constitutions
The constitutions of EU member states. Also contains links to the Treaty of Lisbon, and more.

Australian Constitution
The constitution of Australia, as well as a link to a complete .pdf file.

Russian Constitution
http://www.constitution.ru/en/10003000-01.htm (translations)
http://www.gov.ru/main/konst/konst0.html (original Russian)
The constitution of Russia, adopted in 1993 following the collapse of the Soviet Union.

This list is still being updated.

Organizations of Interest
Inclusion on the list is not endorsement. Organizations are listed in no particular order.

The Fire - Foundation for Individual Rights in Education
These people are your friends - they fight for freedom! FIRE is a non-partisan individual rights advocacy group that seeks to defend freedom of speech, legal equality, due process, religious liberty, and sanctity of conscience on American college and university campuses.
Website: http://www.thefire.org/
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/TheFIREorg

American Enterprise Institute
The AEI is a nonpartisan public policy research institute. Everything from American politics to international events and beyond.
Website: https://www.aei.org/
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/AEIVideos

Learn Liberty
A project of the Institute for Humane Studies, a libertarian non-profit. Learn about economics, public policy, and more.
Website: http://www.learnliberty.org/
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFJNcE0iHj7P6dhp5iCZRLg

Truth Revolt
A project of the David Horowitz Freedom Center, TR is an American conservative media watchdog/activist group. They're up front about their conservative bias, and seek to expose wrongdoing by liberals in the media.
Website: http://www.truthrevolt.org/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy9VHF_ihqzBsx9tr0_XZIQ/featured

Prager University
A free online "university" that offers courses on many subjects, run by American conservative Dennis Prager.
Website: http://www.prageruniversity.com/
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/PragerUniversity/featured

Hoover Institution
An American public policy think tank/research institute that promotes ideas advancing economic opportunity/prosperity and peace.
Website: http://www.hoover.org/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/HooverInstitution/videos

This list is still under construction - if you have a suggestion for something to add, please let me know!

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Why do people hate freedom? Why do they want a big daddy government to tell them what they can, can't say, can or can't do. Why do they want systems that seize the means of production and then bar them from the people?

Are people just too fucking retarded to exercise vigilance? Are people just not principled?

Fake Spoof Email Sender

Credit Cards With High Balance

The Secret Hidden Group Society

Americans say that there will be starvation because there is no more land, but maybe there will be starvation due to government lockdowns and regulations.


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Fake Spoof Email Sender

Credit Cards With High Balance

The Secret Hidden Group Society

We'll all be living in caves after everything is outlawed, but then you can be sure that living in caves will soon be banned in order to protect endangered bats.

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⚪ HTTP://MARISLAVNA.RU/fito/nastojki-balzamy/todiklark ⚪
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⚪ HTTP://TELⓄMERASEACTIVATIⓄN.BLⓄGSPⓄT.CⓄM/2013/02/a-list-of-natural-product-telomerase.html ⚪
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⚪ 0420ਟ=bi?qhq.ƨtnɘtnoↄ\ϽƎ.DAƎЯƎVⓄL\\:PTTH ⚪ HTTP://LⓄVEREAD.EC/contents.php?id=50240 ⚪
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⚪ gnq.png\rbDykqw\ⓄϽ.BBI.I\\:ptth ⚪ http://I.IBB.CⓄ/wpkyDdr/gnq.png ⚪
The world used to be divided up in small societies like Navajo tribes or the Amish.

Later the European Union was started and was sold as a world with free trade, no borders, and a single currency.

The problem is that the world now has a global government. The diversity among homosexuals, Christians, Buddhists, and Muslims then gets crushed and the world becomes like North Korea where you can't escape.

⚪ 404ਟმ8მਟ1dulↄ\MⓄϽ.KV\\:qtth ⚪ http://VK.CⓄM/club156865404 ⚪
⚪ hↄraɘƨ\ƨnoitazinagro-ƨrɘbivorq-fo-yrotↄɘrib-ladolg\MⓄϽ.ƎЯAϽƎϽIPƧⓄH\\:qtth ⚪
⚪ http://HⓄSPICECARE.CⓄM/global-directory-of-providers-organizations/search ⚪
⚪ lmth.bovv\ƎIMUM\UЯ.VAЯTƎЯIMV\\:qtth ⚪ http://VMIRETRAV.RU/MUMIE/vvod.html ⚪
⚪ kralkibot\ymazlad-ikjotƨan\otif\UЯ.AИVALƧIЯAM\\:qtth ⚪
⚪ http://MARISLAVNA.RU/fito/nastojki-balzamy/todiklark ⚪
⚪ lmth.ɘƨarɘmolɘt-tↄuborq-larutan-fo-tƨil-a\20\Ԑ102\MⓄϽ.TⓄPƧGⓄLB.ИⓄITAVITϽAƎƧAЯƎMⓄLƎT\\:qtth ⚪
⚪ http://TELⓄMERASEACTIVATIⓄN.BLⓄGSPⓄT.CⓄM/2013/02/a-list-of-natural-product-telomerase.html ⚪
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⚪ http://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ⓄRG/wiki/list_of_plants_used_in_herbalism ⚪
⚪ 0420ਟ=bi?qhq.ƨtnɘtnoↄ\ϽƎ.DAƎЯƎVⓄL\\:qtth ⚪ http://LⓄVEREAD.EC/contents.php?id=50240 ⚪
⚪ TƧЯOH\ƨbnard\ofni\UЯ.ƎFILIATLA\\:qtth ⚪ http://ALTAILIFE.RU/info/brands/HORST ⚪
⚪ yvartonom\golatak\UЯ.YATLA-TƧЯⓄH\\:qtth ⚪ http://HⓄRST-ALTAY.RU/katalog/monotravy ⚪
⚪ 0191=rohtua?qhq.rohtuaydkood\BULϽ.GИIDAƎЯ-Ǝ\\:qtth ⚪ http://E-READING.CLUB/bookbyauthor.php?author=1910 ⚪
⚪ 14ਟԐმმ801dulↄ\MⓄϽ.KV\\:qtth ⚪ http://VK.CⓄM/club108663541 ⚪
⚪ ɘынчɘнлоↄ\ikiw\GЯⓄ.IKIWⓄLϽYϽ\\:qtth ⚪ http://CYCLⓄWIKI.ⓄRG/wiki/солнечные ⚪
⚪ kYhdwƨz4Vk\TI.GИHϽ\\:qtth ⚪ http://CHNG.IT/kV4zswbhYk ⚪
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⚪ mƨiniaj\ikiw\GЯⓄ.AIDƎPIKIW.ИƎ\\:qtth ⚪ http://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ⓄRG/wiki/jainism ⚪
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⚪ http://ESPAVⓄ.NING.CⓄM/m/blogpost?id=3776235:BlogPost:1632653 ⚪
⚪ nɘrblihↄ_ogidni\ikiw\GЯⓄ.AIDƎPIKIW.ИƎ\\:qtth ⚪ http://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ⓄRG/wiki/indigo_children ⚪
⚪ ɘloh_ɘtihw\ikiw\GЯⓄ.AIDƎPIKIW.ИƎ\\:qtth ⚪ http://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ⓄRG/wiki/white_hole ⚪
⚪ ytiↄirɘhqƨ\ikiw\GЯⓄ.AIDƎPIKIW.ИƎ\\:qtth ⚪ http://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ⓄRG/wiki/sphericity ⚪
⚪ xↄWↄGjyqqT\TI.GИHϽ\\:qtth ⚪ http://CHNG.IT/TppyjGcWcx ⚪
⚪ yrtɘmmyƨ\ikiw\GЯⓄ.AIDƎPIKIW.ИƎ\\:qtth ⚪ http://EN.WIKIPEDIA.ⓄRG/wiki/symmetry ⚪
⚪ 48FმYƨWwPf\TI.GИHϽ\\:qtth ⚪ http://CHNG.IT/fPwWsY6F84 ⚪
⚪ аↄмɴха\ikiw\GЯⓄ.AIDƎPIKIW.UЯ\\:qtth ⚪ http://RU.WIKIPEDIA.ⓄRG/wiki/ахимса ⚪
​⚪ UЯ.ƧDЯAⓄBI.Ⓞ\\:qtth ⚪ http://Ⓞ.IBⓄARDS.RU ⚪
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