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Americans are completely retarded and enslaved now.

Americans will look you in the eye and say that being closed-minded and embracing Communism is better than learning about the benefits of freedom and the dangers of tyranny.

Americans scream that the Gestapo should shoot unarmed Americans in the back and slash tires.

Americans swear that the elites don’t want to kill off the 99%, but why do the globalists promote abortion, birth control, suicide, homosexuality, immorality, wars, debt, tyranny, offshoring, illegal immigration, and welfare?

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Americans voluntarily choose to work at a job for a wage and then turn around and scream that they are helpless and exploited victims because there is only one company in the world and you can't quit, start a business, or learn a new skill.

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What about a much more peaceful approach instead? In a free society freedom of association would be respected, meaning they'd get fired for their faggotry and pedarasty. Not just that but they'd get declined basic services and needs as well by service plus good providers.

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