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< iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Y33CBRkJuBg" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen>

That's nice. Just the right amount of head.
And good cross pass, and good positioning from basically three of them.
The defense fucked up big time, she was clear from the start of the kick and viewed from here an obvious target for a pass, although it seems somewhat if the next grill was the one who was intended to get the ball.

Now that was #6 fault. She left her mark alone. Good long free kick, a bit of luck, then a bounce with the outside edge and instep. I can't really see whom passed the ball when they challenged each other from it.
Oh that's an international game. Pleasant surprise.

Some would say so, but I think >we are just confident and some people are assholes, but when you are painted as the bad guys of the league for wining that much there is some jealousy and resent from some fans fo other teams and the institution clearly went with it by using the tag "ódiame mas"(hate me more) which like I said is more confidence or maybe some cocky then cunts

Yeah I watch it when I got time since its in the morning here I got to work and shit, but during the weekend I see the games and people do watch it and pay attention to the games some because of muh ancestors and some because they like the game and is mini world cup

> got to work and shit,
Life is unfair.
> muh ancestors
Spain started strong against Croatia. I have not seen the match, but expected better from our neighbour.
> mini world cup
It is, isn't it. It's possible in a WC that only Euro teams reach the finals. Liek Germany, France, Italy, Spain, Netherlands, and whatnot.

I only watched Germany vs Scotland, and then Switzerland beating us. I'll try to make time to watch our matches. And will try others.

> Spain started strong 
Bunch of slavs, french and german descendants in some parts of the country, hence the joke about some people being told their german grandpa was more like Rudiger than Muller.
Also most/all matches are in work hours so no dice and highlights cover very little, no tekkers or interesting individual plays, only striker-centric plays.

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