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A few days ago I contacted the aforementioned defender intending to make Ana María Navales, a prominent figure of Spanish and Aragonese literature, the protagonist for some small production or report of the 2 (national channel). As a suggestion, or what would fit in the shipping parameters. I enclose my comment along with the information below:

Dear Defense of the —Spanish Radio & Television— Hearing:

I would like to suggest the production of a documentary focusing on the life and legacy of Ana María Navales. The other day I spoke with some friends about this important figure of our community, Aragon, and as she is so little recognized (or less than she should)…

We believed that television could be an excellent means of informing young people about the life of a prominent figure, poet and writer, who was so independent. Her story deserves to be told and would be a valuable opportunity to preserve his memory and inspire current and future generations, as well as documenting it in a medium as direct as an audiovisual reportage. By interviewing direct witnesses to her life, the documentary would gain authenticity, providing an intimate insight into this fascinating woman. We trust that RTVE —Spanish Radio & Television— will consider this suggestion to enrich its programming with relevant and enriching content on women in our country (Spain).

What do you think? I’m obviously not very optimistic, but still… I don’t know, I don’t know… In any case, I guess you won’t be very interested in the person in question.

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