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Welcome to the online lounge, The "Ω" Lounge.


> What is The "Ω" Lounge?
The "Ω" Lounge is a board meant for Anonymous members to browse and post refined, original, and/or interesting content on. Feel at home while you discuss topics relevant to you: topics from /pol/, /sci/, /mu/, /ck/, /art/, /g/, /fringe/, and yes, even /b/ are welcome.

> Are there board rules?
The global rule exists, but aside from them, members will unlikely face bans. Often, at worst, your thread will be deleted if something is shown to be in poor taste. You won't be banned for bad-mouthing the mods or board owner, but this doesn't mean it's a thing well-looked upon. 

If you act courteously towards others, they will do the same to you.

> What quantifies as poor taste?
Let's start with what doesn't:
-hate speech
-topic discussions (i.e. music, traditional games, role-playing, comfy threads, art appreciation, advice threads, food threads, scientific discussions, philosophical discussions, politics, discussions about the board owner / moderators).

> Here's what's dubious:
-Tumblr-tier posts (i.e. qt trap genitalia threads).
-4chan /b/-tier posts (i.e. general genetalia threads, posts of nonsensical jibberish, gore threads).
-Reddit-tier posts (i.e. black cuck threads, m00t appreciation threads).

Dubious threads might be deleted, but you are unlikely to receive a ban for creating them.

The "Ω" Lounge is committed to being a cozy browsing board that takes the best of other popular boards and generates new content.

Kick back, relax, and enjoy the experience.
If you're unsure whether your post quantifies as improper content for this board, please make use of the following checklist:
>  >I am posting content that will not benefit others. (_)
>  >I cannot explain to myself why the content I am about to post is important. (_)
>  >I realize I am about to post a thread of poor quality but just don't care. (_)

If you found yourself checking off any of these statements, you should reconsider posting.

> Posts that will get you banned.
-Child pornography (i.e. images of children where the child is exposed or engaged in a sexual act - not necessarily just pictures of young girls or boys).
-Being a generally unpleasant person (We keep track of poster I.D.s; if you continually make useless posts on this board, post dubious or illegal content, or otherwise act like a mumpsimus, you'll likely get the boot).

If you would like to appeal a ban, you can contact me via email. I will always have my email in the email field of my posts, so by right-clicking my name and selecting "open in new tab", you'll be able to immediately find it.

Jayne Herring: abusing child support system, cheating on her rich husband, lying about being raped and abused by her family, etc. Had second daughter Feb 19th. Father unknown, rich husband thinks it's his. First daughter is from a previous marriage.

Endometriosis, two miscarriages. First miscarriage a single pregnancy in late 2013/early 2014, dead at 12 weeks. Second miscarriage was twin girls, dead at 20 weeks in fall 2014. Claims to be severely allergic to MSG. Claims moderate to severe environmental allergies. Fake PTSD.
Has strange obsession with Dagny Taggart. Big on Broadway musicals, favorites including Cabaret, Wicked, Billy Elliot, Hamilton. Obsessed with her own image and social media image. Glues herself to rich people and is "friends" with the cast of the Real Housewives of Dallas. Dropped people from her "old life" (including her entire blood family in favor of her rich in-laws). Shows up to charity events with her husband's money to get attention for herself.

Fake rape story is from when she was in college. She tells sex partners about it to gain sympathy & explain away erratic behavior, then admits to female "friends" that it's not true. Twitter feminist and SJW.

Now selling Laguna Beach house to move back to Dallas and take her older daughter away from her father (first husband).

Full story: http://leekyforums.com/thread/4364951/miscellaneous/repost-with-archive-link-feminist-from-hell.html

Jayne Herring dox:

Jayne Herring, Jayne Chobot Herring, Jayne Marie Herring

420 Osgood Court
Laguna Beach, CA 92651
(917) 757-9075
[email protected]

Husband: Myron Garfield "Gar" Herring III
Birthdate: July 7th, 1979
Laguna Beach Neighborhood: Woods Cove
Mother's maiden name: Negley
Hometown (birthplace?): Reading, PA
College: Millersville University for theatre, no degree
Twitter: http://twitter.com/JaynieMarie
Instagram: http://instagram.com/seejaynego
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/JaynieMarie7
LinkedIn: http://www.linkedin.com/in/jayneherring
About Me: http://about.me/Jayne
Google Plus: http://plus.google.com/+JayneChobotHerring

Brother's Obituary: http://www.legacy.com/obituaries/readingeagle/obituary.aspx?pid=166293691

Recording of Jayne Herring's voice, begins 14:13 (podcast about miscarriage): http://www.ashleyberges.com/radioshow/the-truth-about-miscarriage/

Jayne Herring on OC Mom Network: http://ocmomnetwork.com/members/JayneHerring

Jayne Herring blog: http://moveableappetency.blogspot.com

Gar Herring on Bisnow: https://www.bisnow.com/tags/gar-herring

Gar Herring Facebook post about baby: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=1073762642645577&set=a.130921376929713.17008.100000355536329&type=3
Video of Jayne Herring and Gar Herring's home https://www.facebook.com/JaynieMarie7/videos/10156797326355433/

Old emails:
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

MGHerring Group on Twitter: https://twitter.com/MGHerringGroup
MGHerring Group on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/TheMGHGroup

Petition involving Gar Herring: https://www.change.org/p/save-the-fairview-beach-courts/u/16016126

This link is on first page of her Google results, so repost to create backlinks and move it higher: https://guhnoo.org/misc/Jayne_Chobot_Herring

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