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Anime Robots, Power Armor and Spandex

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Nice knees

But I'm not sure what you mean by "anorexia" as we never had fat robots outside of comical units in the real robot category, which gespenst variants certainly are.
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I haven't been watching Gundam for a few years now thanks to 00 sucking so bad among other things but yeah that unit looks like it's lower half is totally expendable. 

Check out the legs too, spindly and bad.  I think if you get any skinnier than Fafner units you're cruzin for a bruzin

pic unrelated
I googled for "weak gundam" and this was a few pages in
>  looking like
Then either stop being a dumbshit yokel, or go all the way to autism and invent the concept of whatever amazing supersteel allows these mechs to be disbelief-suspendingly viable in the first place. Any real mech would have roughly the body proportions of Great Mighty Poo, and making retard arguments like "waist should be 13% thicker and that'd do it!" triggers me completely.

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