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Anime Robots, Power Armor and Spandex

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08Th MS Team is probably on of the most cherished an enjoyed Gundam entry in the Western world.  It speaks to us in the way it is so down to earth and lacks fantastical things that we do not have such as easy space travel and laser weapons.  As an American it speaks to me because we are use to our families and history being involved in warfare on a personal level. 

Here's to what I think is your favorite show too.
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'They had extra gundam heads' + 'Romeo & Juliet story'

It was alright, great animation and patchwork mobile suits add to the charm. Personally I prefer 0083 but that's because I found the trainwreck of a story more entertaining.
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It usually spurs a lot of discussion so I was going to talk about it.  I don't know why so many people found it to be their favorites and really haven't touched mecha since. 

I guess a lot of it has to do with how japan stopped catering to the international market at the turn of the century.  That being said at the end of the day I prefer Turn A, Zeta, and the original SEED.
> muh relateability

The reason why I like it is because it showed mecha that needed maitenance, squad based team work, and the fact that the feddies are also scumbags. With that said the romance wasn't that bad, but I won't lie it disrupted the show's pacing badly.
I will say though, the lack of newtypes made me more feel more empathetic towards the characters, so I guess that's a point for relateability?

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