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Books who spoils anime

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> having read the fucking book

So I hear they're doing that thing where they release a new set of colored reference images televised in rapid succession on this one.
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I am, I only got to the point where the slut who betrayed both of them was found out to work at a petshop for cats.It really did save my time and efforts, instead of reading that I read Rikudou, World Trigger, 21st Century Boys, Boys on the Run and many other manga. My time on this earth is so limited, why should I waste it reading manga with shitty contrived drama laden endings?
What you should do is get some butt-aid for that /co/-tier rash you're this quick to advertise having but totally being okay with. On a dead board.
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> /co/ tier trash

How is any of that /co/ tier trash AT ALL. It's not shit like say Boku no Hero, or Tiger and Bunny, let alone sentai shit. So you better start explaining yourself faggot lord.

What's next, you're going to claim Catshit One is /co/ tier shit?
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Good sir, I believe he was saying you had a rash indicative of /co/-like tendencies rather than accusing the works you namedropped of being poor-quality garbage.

t. reading comprehension pro
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Ah well I thought he mispelled trash as rash. Anyhow on to the discussion, I think he's a cuckold faggot for liking such a shitty non-ending. Here we have the MC doing a complete 360 for her sake, as well as helping her make new friends, and the bitch just friendzones him?

This is almost as bad as the broccoli faggot from Onani Master Kurosawa, or the MC from that ending up with the bullying Slut.

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