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she also spoke of blacks having twice as many eggs, and short menstruation cycles, more twins triplets etc than whites

asians having half as many eggs, twins etc..

so people with this idea of breeding more whites than blacks.. paddling upstream..
on the audio and news thread i tried to post from various outlets

each outlet is different, some feddy, some are pro-christian, pro-pagan, some claim jews to be white, some promote happa and mestizo mixing, some are sodomites even..

so choose wisely, as you can see they are all valid gatekeepers in some aspect or another
future thread ideas:

a gardening section


image collection of blue eyed, pale, freckled redheads, emphasis on curly hair, no body modifications
//health food diet
simple unprocessed natural organic foods, easy to prepare and consume, maximizing nutrients, minimizing contaminants
> image collection of blue eyed, pale, freckled redheads, emphasis on curly hair, no body modifications

just to let people know of the variations within the phenotype, morphological facial structure tends to point out the bottle redheads
note, if you are a 'brownie', brown hair, brown eyes, brown (bronze tan) skin, and I know we consider you 'white' but please leave the redheads alone, you are literally genociding them. 

As a white person you should encourage redheads to be together.

Redheads are vital to the white gene pool.

note about 911

before it happened, nobody liked new yorkers, they are a pieces of shit, worst yankees ever, i didn't think it mattered that the towers were hit, because its new york, nobody likes them.

then all of a sudden, the planes stopped flying, and the sky was unbelievable

it was wonderful, then the next day the news just kept coming.. and i was like wtf who cares about new york..

then a year later, the heroin started hitting the colleges, it was everywhere, before people on smoked pot, maybe some coke everynow and then, but boom, heroin everywhere..

at the same time all the good local pot dried up, the cops wiped out everything but some shitty chem bc bud, even schwag was hard to find

schwag was 80 and ounce, kind was 50 an 1/8th, 400 an o, then the bc bud, we called beasters, showed up and it wouldn't even get you high..

so no more pot, bust all the locals, send in heroin... noice

and here we are, muslims still pouring into the country and just as vitriolic as ever, but now opening representing the public face of our government..

fuck jews

there was no reason to continue muslim immigration post 911, the simple fact that this continues proves that the govt is dead

its just so damning

kind of disappointed me, because everyone was taught to believe in the country, rule of law etc, then they just pull the rug out from under you, and all you can do is try to figure what is real

if the supposed only free country in the world can't simply protect itself, then are any of these govt structures even real

who knows.. 

blood and soil don't require a large govt apparatus
since phrenology is most likely real

and skull differences are equal to pelvic differences
(we have more than bilateral symmetry if you haven't noticed)

she mentions with hands and lips, you can predict what nipples and other genitalia will be

so why not an app, they have the age/beard apps, why not an app, you snap their hands and lips, it predicts what the rest of their body is.

but no really, we need to develop methods of visual trust..for a new society
the different sized internal organs of whites most likely gave them the advantage of being lactose tolerant and other things I suspect, alcohol tolerance etc.

so looking at the physical eugenics of the blacks vs whites

i suspect is something like:

blacks bred for running, big genitals, rears..

whites bred for strength, and ability to adapt to various foods..

already removed by gab


a history of terrorism
menachem begin, stern gang lavon affair, uss liberty, isser harel, avraham shalom bendor

strategy oded yinon, 'a strategy for isreal in the ninteeen eighties'
pnac, pro isreal thinktanks, wished for a new pearl harbor, worked for bush
benjamin netanyahu called the attacks very good for israel and is the author of several books which call for a global 'war on terror'

ehud barak, was at the bbc headquarter as it happens, names osama bin laden before the towers fell
philip zelikow, 1998 'imangining the transforming event', ......etc.

interesting rehash of 4pol i suspect
you go ahead and save the white race, I'm trying to save the pale curly redheads with freckles
they've eaten half of the donkey stock in kenya over the past decade as well

they yellow menace is like plague of locusts when it comes to protein consumption..

but he quit vaping, so its headlines like...

What Would You Say If Flash Gordon Returned from the Future to Help Hitler Win WWII?
Millions of Israeli Jews Ready to Swarm Into Europe Through Portuguese Back Door


they had an article about the witchcraft that's in mainstream society as well, these things are becoming tropes, jews get into a country, fuck up, get kicked out, the next generations forget, let em back in, jews start jewing again, and then they are again dispelled. jewcraft is witchcraft

South Korea on high alert after 1st African swine fever case found


shit could make it out of asia..uk maybe, they have poor farm hygiene.
it transfers from pigs eating dead contaminated pig meat, in addition to normal flu transfer i assume, you see in the usa dairy cows are fed chicken poop, there are all types of interminglings between the food systems; just look at how milk is shipped around..
turkey's ready to birth another million, either on stolen syrian land or into europe. so gmo's have created billions of niggers, spics, chinks, turks, muslims etc. and it will continue until someone stops it
negative interest rates for america next..it'll be funny watching the loan officers tell niggers, here's your loan and we'll be paying you every month til you pay it off..and they can't deny the niggers a loan, cuz muh racism
Russia Detains Over 160 N.Korean Sailors After Attack On Border Patrol Boat


north koreans be like, yo capture us, hold us in prison, prease
so they can contaminate my food crops with gmo pollen, but i can't play loud music..

they've got studies with the various wine bottles, the glass has cadmium in it, fucking expensive ass french wine, now shit, because china wanted to recycle glass..
so if brexit goes through, then that means epstein raped little girls to blackmail the queen into going along with brexit..

millions, we're talking mao, stalin, gulag archipeligo, one jew family has killed more whites than the hallofcost 6 gorillion

just one family did this, and you wonder how destructive the rest are..
more than the 1.5 million who might have died of just regular war blights..
more than the 6 million they claim..

their satanic 6 followed by 6 zeros 

mbf heptagram baby, 7 is perfection

yep trump was like, 

sodomites, everywhere sodomites

and they pulled the plug on vaping, must of been too efficient/safe. its a disruptive technology, people were quitting nicotine..

brexit push pull, that's rad, cuz when brexit happens, epsteins raping proclivities probably helped it..

eu is about the draghi mmt, qe bail in the banks, so we do it, they do it, china does it, the excess is just accumulating at the top..

i really think we should tusli shill, she's the only thing that will rock the boat..
macdonald. a people that shall dwell alone.

seems that the jew alleles have been cultivated to some efficiency, very racist are these jews..

so yeah, you start off with a core group of people, constantly guided by the rabbis, outsiders kicked out, insiders brought in, whats good for the group is always put forth, send out missionaries to all other countries, to breed with the rich and powerful, then send out the purebloods to assimilate the mischlings, seems about right. monitor and regulate all behavior within the commune, going as far as to get rid of redheads even they say. the food guidelines are interesting. and all of their actions are to destroy other cultures and boost theirs. its really rather nuts, you wonder how the first missionary jews coming into a country do it. especially after already being kicked out, sometimes multiple times.

its the jewish alleles, they pass them the microchimerism, and telegeny, and they are so thick outbreeding is necessary to prevent serious defects.  but those alleles turn on the ability for them to be guided by a certain evil.
the whole thing with martin luther and on the jews and their lies.

the idea of having a whole argument, winning, then the next day being back on square one.

the jewish alleles block logos, they don't have the organs to hear the word, natural law is abhorrent to them on a cellular level

if you think the nowadays portrayal of hitler, he's just a bumbling painter, war vet, that just wanted to help his country out.

so say he was an avg/to well read dope, even as that he saw the simplicity of martin luther, and recognized it in his society.
then what if we say hitler was some sort of genius dictator hell bent on genociding all non germans..
well he helped move jews to palistine, thus helping to form israel..
then you see the camps weren't that bad..compared to after ww2 russian/english camps.

it just makes you wonder, hitler being a normal guy makes more sense. not too smart, but a big heart and likable.  

i can also see him as desiring to help out the jews, rather than exterminate them, because if he wanted to exterminate them, why'd he help them..

idk, i guess i'll keep reading, but it seems that if hitler let the jews run his central bank none of this wouldve happened.
which gets me to the point, labor is money, two coins can't copulate, so usury/interest is false

logos is the way

so if everything you do is labor, and its fruits are consumed by you, then there is no need of loans, no interest, logos prevails

thats the natural paradigm, a society of self sufficient farmers, only producing for themselves.

if you look at the history of farming, you'll see that chemical fertilizers is what started all this overpopulation, it got real big after all those ww2 bombs, lots of fertilizer

but if you look back you'll see in the mid 1800's thats when it really started to rumble

the fertilizers allowed mass cities to be built, totally ignorant of logos, built by the lower energy food being produced

i'd say you have to go back to 1812, that's about where the crazy civilization changes start

so as the world looked in 1812, that's how the population demographic should look, in order to maintain world peace

the disproportionate growth of nonwhites since 1812 is solely due to the illegitimate farming practices

look at the iq changes since then, straight downhill

non paywall link

.strategicstudyindia.blogspot.com /2019/09/blast-from-past.html#more

other 'conspiracy' sites have mentioned that the kikes have a neutron bomb of sorts, something like if they get nuked they send out their bomb, and all humans above ground turn into prion zombies, the underground kikes will survive..
i've never dressed up as a nigger, like the gov of va, or the pm of canada, so go fuck yourself

what to say when they deep dive your 8 year old tweets
the funny thing about the latest southpark, is that all mexicans are mexican joker, no ice trauma needed, hell 80 percent of the women are raped in transit, mexico is jokers paradise, just look at all the dead cops there last week..
member '87, when you were a kid, and all of sudden there were no more week long summer vacations at the beach...jews did that..

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