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/meadhall/ - Hall of the Ancestors

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Welcome to the /meadhall/

This board is a place for those of wrongthink leanings to meet and organize. Build potential nationalist communities/parties in your local areas. Search the the catalog for threads in your area and if there are none to be found, create a thread.

You have my blessing for advertising this board on other /pol/-like boards/chans when appropriate. Beware that this also attracts attention of undesirable forces. Beware of agent provocateurs, shills, agents, ect. It is up to each of you to control what information you provide on this board. Since there will probably be exchange of sensitive personal information, it is important mind that anyone is able to view this board (if they find it). We are at a critical time where we have the potential to change the course of human events. can we rally together and build a new strong world with what we have learned living in the chan culture? will we at least try?

IF YOU WANT MORE EXPOSURE FOR YOUR THREAD YOU MUST DO SO BY CROSSLINKING ON OTHER BOARDS. This is an unlisted board, meaning that you can only find it via a crosspost, bookmarking it or directly typing the URL. Get out there and shill your thread yourself, be proactive. That is how you get things from the ground and grow.
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Some tips, from experience:
> Just pick a date and destination. By doing this you make the meetup choice immediate for the potential attendees and force them to decide to come. It's useless to paralyse yourself in finding the perfect date/location, you'll never satisfy everyone.
> Have a couple of subjects prepared to talk about. One person 'hosts' the meeting and more or less prepares some subjects in case structured discussion is desired during the meeting
> The host does a small tour of the city for cultural purposes.
> Have dinner with eachother! This improves comradeship massively. If things are going swell you could expand things further to go out together. As long as it's an informal/casual activity should improve group bonds, really.
> Meet at a central trainstation for accesability. Move location to different places so more people are able to attend. Some will post their appearence (clothing/hair/etc) for others to recognise. In this way a group comes together. This way newfags are able to view this group from a distance anonymously, diminishing the investment for them. If you don't like what you see, you don't join in. Which nobody has done yet.
> Make an open invite for other people to come. Set a date and time and just meet at the entrance of the central trainstation. People will respond in the thread if they intend come. And then day before ask people to confirm if they intend come. So you know on how many you should wait.
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Board owner of >>>/pagan/ here.

Feel free to promote your board as a whole in a thread over there. We are a fully ethnonationalist board and a thread would not be out of place there.

It's vital for all ethnonationalists to get at least one foot in the real world so that when the habbening habbens, we will have contacts with which to work.

Also, my personal opinion is your board ought not be unlisted. It's a board specifically for networking, so what's the use of hiding it from the board list? The beauty of IRL networking is it is basically impossible to shill in real world (at least until organizations become big enough to justify a full time infiltration).

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