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splinter cell is really clever. after falling off a ledge, you try moving towards it to grab it. falling on top of an enemy knocks him out. you don't have the one-button-for-each-thing bad UI.
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Not being able to move while crouched is part of the problem. There's nothing between moving slowly but quiet and fast but noisy, or between crawling movement and standing movement. It's weird because the camouflage system would allow small changes in its detection chance.
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I hate how the music sometimes covers up enemy footsteps and the ambient sound. Thief used music to highlight certain moments. The Seoul mission in Chaos Theory didn't have any kind of in-mission music and it worked much better than those that did.
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I want to hear better ambient noise, and even accurate sound propagation with echoes. I can never navigate by sound the way I do normally. The closest thing is in RTSs when I hear enemy fire before it's visible.

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