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I didn't say I wanted to go back. I was just telling what I knew about the situation.

I would have to see 8 kun before I could say which board I'd like to use. Although I assume it will have more features and all of our old Post.
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people said its a good game but my only complain is its epic exclusive 
So I rather buy it when its released on steam next year, ill be more free at that time anyways
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Dunno, its definitely a better service at least and you don't have to deal with any steam BS with it.

I'm gonna go for a bit, family friend is asking for computer help....
8kun is (kindof) on 
will you guys be making the move when its useable?
god i missed 8chan so much
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but all the old threads and posts are there?
> what they just did
you can't seriously like this place better even if management is shit there
iv'e gotten used to this place but it can't really replace 8ch for me

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