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I've already alerted Tetobread to it,
But there are some who are actively working against 8kun so its unlikely to be opened for posting any time soon
HW (Previous 8ch owner) is going full order 66 on it and is actively preventing 8kun

Tetobread does have the shared secret for /miku/ so there's a possibility to get the content of the upstairs threads back if 8kun or a derivative ever gets opened online

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/miku/ is on the wayback machine (but mostly without pics)


And you can apparently access threads by following links to threads (but yeah without the pics, filenames are still there tho)

Right now it seems that thumbnails/pics didn't get migrated at least I can't open them yet, so one might aswell use the wayback machine for 8ch.net, at least it doesn't have disclaimers on every post

Kinda weird seeing two of my favorite boards on the front page board list. They still are on the most current board list too. They were never all that busy on old 8chan and almost never made it there after the great migration from 4chan.

Unlikely. Between absent board owners who have long since moved on, or not knowing their magic board key like they should have, and 8kun's efforts to present an innocuous new image to the world, I think that's all there will be for many months more. Perhaps ever more until they reestablish board (re)creation.

Seems like it went down again
The site has been shaky for a while
Also Watkins sued Brennan so the site might be kinda on hold until the hearings in late Nov/early Dec
I requested to migrate my board (Its still not up) and I think /miku/ also was requested for migration, they said on twitter that like 200 boards requested to get migrated

> Also Watkins sued Brennan so the site might be kinda on hold

Yeah. That too. It may help to represent how much damage was done to the site as they can't devote resources to expanding it. "Yes, your honor. Let me demonstrate the extent of the problem." Etc.

> I requested to migrate my board

After the announcement was first made I waited two days to send in my two migration requests. I figured there was such a deluge coming it would be better not to spam them too early.

Three questions. Obviously, don't give out any information that needs to remain private.
1. Did you send the request from an email account that is the official contact email as listed in the board settings page?
2. Did you include the board recovery keys?
3. How recently did you do so?

If the answers to 1 and 2 are "no," you will never even receive a reply. Not even a denial. If the answers to 1 are "yes" and 2 "no," you may be able to negotiate with Ron and prove ownership via that email address. It won't happen quickly, if ever. Good luck.

If "no" and "yes," I'm not sure, but not every board maintained an official contact email. The key here is the key.

If "yes" and "yes," and the answer to 3 is "recently," I would merely advise you to continue to wait.

I believe Ron et. al. used this opportunity as a means to identify reasonably responsible board owners they could rely on freely. They were intending to minimize drama across the relaunch. Ron's public comments, and the very first PM you would see after board recovery, emphasize their expectations for activist BOs from now on. Not paying attention to critical things like recovery keys and setting an official contact email is a big hint.

Outside of qanon, there is no favoritism or personal involvement with the BO's by Jim and Ron that I am aware of. Neither Fred, nor Ron, nor anyone else has any idea who I am, nor have they ever shown any interest in knowing. All I did to get the boards I managed to be migrated was follow their rules.

That's all I've been able to gather about the process to date.

I used the same email as I had gotten the "shared secret" to and it was also the one I used for the board
I put the shared secret in and the board name in the email
I emailed it right after they put the tweet about the shared secret being needed to recover the board
To be honest I'm not really waiting on it and don't really care that much, if they do put the board up I'll get active with it again while able

Update from Ron:
> The deadline for legacy board migration is December 2. If you are a BO of a legacy board, please get in contact to get that migrated before December 2.

I would resend the request to migrate. In the subject field, put in something like "Migration request for /your_board_name/" and include the key and board name in the body. Maybe add a "thank you" as well. Keep it short and simple. Good luck.

There weren't any disclaimers when I saw the board yesterday but now they've been added, which makes me certain the board was added just before I noticed it, I saw something about being able to turn them off but I'm not sure if its per user or per board
also the site has been shaky and its not for certain if one can post reliably, at least not yet

Unrelated BO here. I ran through the board settings page. There is nothing to control the disclaimer in settings by a BO. The options setting is by the user, per user, for they who roll with them javascript engine enablelified. I guess it's also doable on the user end with css overrides. I suppose we'll see some industrious BO attempt a customized board css hax to do away with it eventually. No telling how long that might last tho.

I don't like this approach, I don't keep cookies longer than the browser stays open (for security reasons) so it will reset every time I open the browser
If the background in custom css is set to the same shade as the disclaimer text, then the disclaimers will disappear (they'll still be there but wont show up unless highlighted)
Wasn't it enough to have it on every page? I think this is obnoxious and poor site management
I hope they'll change it because its Josh/infinity next tier level of bad choice which will drive away users

Managed to make a post on  8kun /miku/
I just found out that the disclaimer itself is stylable so it can be colored as the same color of the posts
They also have the rules and stuff in the actual captcha entering thingy

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