/miku/ - Miku

Vocaloid/UTAU/CeVIO/Voiceroid attic

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8ch (or 8kun) is "back", but /miku/ hasn't been migrated yet, and so far it hasn't been working properly. It might take a few days (maybe a week or so) until 8/miku/ gets fully migrated.
Some anons wanted to go back, but others want to remain here. My plan is to hold a vote on decide whether we will move back or not. 
The voting will take place after a grace period of one month after /miku/ has been properly migrated. Before the voting, we'll have a thread we will discuss what each anon believes to be best choice (including alternatives).
To keep both boards alive, we'll have to hold MMs in one board, and regular threads in the other. The grace period will allow us to archive threads and to check 8kun's stability.

If we end up deciding to move to 8kun, end/miku/ will remain as a backup board.
If we decide to remain here instead, the volunteers will have accounts here, and all non-emoji assets will be brought to this board, though some of it might happen during the grace period regardless. I don't have plans for what will happen to 8/miku/ in this case, so we will have to discuss that as well.

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Guess what SS just bought. I got 5 albums for my anniversary with Miku although celebrating 6 years I couldn't get 6. Delivery and customs ate the money for the 6th one.

Fate would have it that I got a 6th one just in time though. All thanks to Akane-chan.

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The ones unboxed here  >>/6635/

Decided to pay 5 dollars because paying the bare minimum of 4 seemed embarrassing. Can't have them mistaking me for one of those poor NEETs now. But then they hit me with that VAT and it went to 5.80. It's okay. SS is a responsible citizen who always pays his taxes.

Here's a picture of me unboxing my new album.

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I saw one of those pics, the one with the mitchie m (right before I started posting there)
I haven't used µtorrent for a long time, I use qbittorrent instead
I'm thinking of making another /miku/ collage for this year, like the one I made for 2018; https://8kun.top/miku/res/13321.html#q219258

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It's a really old. I don't torrent anything nowadays. Maybe only movies. I saw Joker last. It was a real masterpiece.

All those times I was... literally the Joker. Woah. Ok I will make sure to check it when it's done. Gotta run for now. See ya later alligator. XOXOXO

lets see

im not sure who dis


is this the yukari i bully or the other one? or some entirely different buddy?

lotsa new things going on in the attic huh? kinda sucked that 8chan went down as soon as i went to cali for a whole fucking month! was hoping to be able to put a face in my mind whenever i see ya guys post here since i (had) hoped to visit people here that are from there

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My local friend went abroad for this week, to your country I think
Blue lagoon is a bit further out apparently, but this is pretty close to it
These quakes are in a mountain between the blue lagoon and kleifarvatn in the krysuvik area https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kr%C3%BDsuv%C3%ADk
More news at about 10

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