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btw This meme loving gentleman (not me) is doing a Miku VR giveaway so maybe you guys should enter. The Miku VR discussion forum is a desert so you're guaranteed to win something.


Don't wait up for me. I'm busy trading.
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You can win Miku VR card sets too. They're rather expensive now because of the event and one of the cards is 2 euro even.

It's a shame that good trading happens only once a year because of the event. It stopped being fun for a while but now I'm getting back into it.
I like that small DESU at the bottom the most.
Happy Birthday again! It's the 16th here though so Happy MM too.
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Sleepy.... Its almost 12am here.
I've just been getting frustrated with microcontroller toolchains today. Work has been kinda slow which is nice and my graduation ceremony is on Wednesday.
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I guess I have to try living alone before praising it :p maybe after graduation. I even thought about living aboard for a period. But idk how things would go after studies.
I am going out to have lunch, see you next time~
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I heard you wanted a little salvation, soo...

I got you a big box of Monster Energy Zero Ultra!
As well as a photobook with all of your favorite memories, because nothing says salvation than a lot of sipping, r-right?
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I taught Yukari anon everything he knows and about Monster sipping. Now he dabs on me with his exclusive* Mфnster® Energy Ultra Violet™ Yuzuki Yukari Edition.

*Not sold here.
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Gold-san I forgot to congratulate you last time. We did it Sekirobro! We won game of the year! (Well you did it I just pirated it...) but it was awesome!
Thanks Santa-bunny! It's an Akihabara Accept (Factory New) 0.00 float! My dream came true!
> *sssssiiiiiiippp*
There he goes again!
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I even put a knife in there for good measure, don't worry, it totally isn't one of Kiritan's knives
Merry Christmas :orange:Rin!
For you, a Stylish Energy Rin figure, as well as a subscription to Lawyers Monthly

:rin: :rin:📰🐇
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I have a lot of Miku mods by the way. Even turned the Gnome into a Miku figure.
Well technically he was Miku in my world.
Merry Christmas Teto anon! You could say that.
Does it have the same amazing background though? Not even the same number of views!
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In the far distance of the middle pic you can see I have a Miku vending machine mod. Those outdoor toilers look kinda Miku colored too but maybe it's a coincidence.
It goes even deeper. The Chopper pilot who rescued us was Miku in her own Miku chopper. Only the zombies wenen't Miku. (But the Witch was, and she was singing creepy melodies about her Onii-chan, she was Sakura Miku)
You're Santa-bunny, I'm sure you can find one. What's even crazier was that while I had my Miku squad in my world the absolute MADMAN was playing with a few mods of his own, and while he was playing as Yukari he had me in his world as IA. PROOOVING WITHOUT A DOUBT THAT YUKARI ANON SECRETLY SHIPPED YUKARI x IA all this TIME!
I think so, I've downloaded Rin and Yukari ones before too. Get well soon!
Way to go and out yourself there, Champ. Yukari x IA huh?
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He loves IA, he just doesn't like the ship. He a jealous bunny.
Nooo! If SS didn't bully, if he didn't invade, didn't pillage, whatever would he do?
Oh come now. You love IA. As long as she sings her songs and stays somewhere far away from Yukari.
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I hope you kept your box from last year in good shape, because I have a big leek cushion you can fit inside. It even has a heater built in for the winter

🐈 :leek:🐇
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Yeah, for now anyway...

Looks like most of you got your presents, but I'm gonna leave some here for the ones that didn't get them yet.
Seems like it's time for me go. I hope all of you had a merry Christmas. See you next year everyone!
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About your email. The guy behind the USB-GDROM is incredibly dodgy, plus its more like the GDEMU as my plan is to use an SD card.

FPGAs are a bad choice for a calculator, I want to use an stm32L4 series microcontroller as it has hardware FPU and is low power.

Sometimes, There are some things like trackballs and potentiometers which I obvioulsy won't support, but I want to try to get at least a joystick & 6 buttons mapped to a console.
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Its not too different. You compile your program normally and then upload it to your microcontroller to run it. However your main goal is to interface with hardware rather than calulcations.
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I watched someone else do it and he said that he replaces the binary in the ram via serial, but don't know how to do it.
I mean it's not the same playing a game without its original controls.
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Usually microcontrollers have flash memory used as ROM which the program is stored in, you just usually require a special tool as they're typically programmed with SPI rather than RS232.
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Flash has a life cycle for writes in the hundreds of thousands, unless you're writing a large amount of data every day to the flash its not going to be an issue.

Sorry, FPGAs are typically programmed with SPI, microcontrollers usually have their own thing for different families but most adopt a JTAG interface.

I'm alright, I've been playing a bit of touhou and mainly just laying down.

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It's netflix so of course it does. The netflix adaption meme exist for good reason. I worry about the new Transformer cartoon they are making with Rooster teeth.
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Some of it use to be good but lately they have been not so great. They have also been laying off a lot of the staff and got a lot of bad PR about their working conditions. 

I need to go. It was good catching up with you again. See you later and goodnight.

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