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I took a break yesterday
Managed to recover a bit

Its very autumny now
with the trees getting
more yellowy
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The latest post about fixing VASSAL was the site admin claiming a month ago he'll make a new release eventually. I haven't found another convenient way to play Kotonoha Struggle or other games.

Time for Kotonoha covers
http://www.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm31168107 [Embed]
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I've been doing that for years with no real success.
Yeah, I know. That's not gonna get me to do it, though.
And I don't have any idea what I would learn, or how, or why. There's no way I could make a decision on something like that.

I'm going to bed.
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Luka anon only shows up on Mondays, and doesn't always post then either.
I think Yufu was always just Yukari anon, wasn't it?
And the Miku anon I believe you're referring to doesn't really hang out with us lately. I haven't seen him in MM or otherwise in quite a while.
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I was mainly talking about Java bytecode. I guess it is always a game of trade offs, but I just don't like the idea  of a program just not being able to be run due to a different VM version. I guess the same issue exists with dynamically linked libraries though. 

What do you mean by enterprise module maker though?
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It's easier for the VM to run an intermediate representation rather than the source.

It's when someone makes a indirection layer between a language and it's user, often to make it usable by non-programmers. It's always worse than making an API or shared library.
Oh. Nah, I just never got around to making any proper online backups of music I've downloaded.
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Does :yufu: have many records?

Akane is missing Friday. So far:
Monday Moon
Tuesday Touhoku
Wednesday Wakaru
Thursday Tsurumaki
Saturday Sora
Sunday Star
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Yeah, it can be quite frustrating at times. A lot of the book is implementing and working with abstractions, so its not something you can just go about and test while you're reading.

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