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Reading List 3.0 released
Welcome to /monarchy/.  This is currently a general meta thread.  There has been no change in BO, this is just a colony from 8chan.  I may delete out posts in this thread just because I would like keeping the  >>>monarchy/1@1 post for tradition's sake.

Rules:  http://txti.es/monarchymagnacarta
About:  http://txti.es/monarchyabout

More specifically, if there is a new BO or volunteer of /monarchy/, it's announced here.  If there is a change to the rules, it is promulgated here.  This is also a thread I'll use to be a little less aloof and talk about minor and meta stuff: general feedback, complaining about troll threads, accepting submissions for flags, banners, moderation, and rules, etc..  A court, if you will.

Welcome to exile.
3 months ago, a Croatian monarchist going by the name 'Lavader' posted a YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM9A9kj7KSM) where he made several arguments against the compatibility of Monarcho-Fascism. Personally I think some of his arguments were weak and only applied to certain types of monarchies, however, I also believe there could be potential incompatibilities between the ideologies, due to fascism's leftist tendencies. Thoughts?
The BO proves why he oughtn't to be commander.
Is this place still up?  Hoppe-sama has gone down.
If you guys lived in a monarchy, and you had to kiss and suck on the Queen's feet to prove your loyalty to the monarch and uphold the system, would you do it?
To anyone who sees this, the crew is mostly over on julay.world/monarchy.
Since the 8chan board is down and unlikely to return for a while, should we begin re-vitalizing the board on endchan? What is the public consensus on this issue? We must either unite the /monarchy/ diaspora here or wait for 8chan to return.
A restoration of music
Posting Grace OC.
I know this isn't very directly related to /monarchy/, but I've always been interested in how people of different political leanings respond to this question, so here I am asking monarchists.  What are some good self-improvement methods/tips/techniques/etc.?  What would you focus on primarily?
Would genetic engineering fundamentally change the nature of monarchy in any way?
Hi /monarchy/,

Here is a question that will hopefully tide us over while we're holed up here in the bunker. I've been meaning to make a thread on it for a while.
How far does loyalty to one's Sovereign extend? If someone is born under one Monarch, moves to a country with a different one, and becomes a citizen there, do they still owe any loyalty to their original Sovereign? Or would you say they cannot simply change allegiances or that they would be bound to both?
Would they only owe fealty if they specifically made an oath to their Sovereign? I personally have made an oath to my Queen when I started in my occupation. Am I only bound by this until I leave my occupation or nation, or for the rest of my life?
I feel that I am bound for life, though I was always partial to the Monarchy even as a child, so I don't know if this is just sentimentality. On the other hand I would want to avoid being overly legalistic about it giving loyalty too many timelines and boundaries.
A few years ago in my country, the courts ruled to allow new citizens to immediately recant the Oath of Allegiance they just made to become a citizen. What do you think of this?
How are y'all doing?  Comfy in the bunker?  How many managed to see the messages?  Anyone got any bets on when/whether 8chan'll be back?

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