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Welcome to /monarchy/.  This is currently a general meta thread.  There has been no change in BO, this is just a colony from 8chan.  I may delete out posts in this thread just because I would like keeping the  >>/1/ post for tradition's sake.

Rules:  http://txti.es/monarchymagnacarta
About:  http://txti.es/monarchyabout

More specifically, if there is a new BO or volunteer of /monarchy/, it's announced here.  If there is a change to the rules, it is promulgated here.  This is also a thread I'll use to be a little less aloof and talk about minor and meta stuff: general feedback, complaining about troll threads, accepting submissions for flags, banners, moderation, and rules, etc..  A court, if you will.

Welcome to exile.

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3 months ago, a Croatian monarchist going by the name 'Lavader' posted a YouTube video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM9A9kj7KSM) where he made several arguments against the compatibility of Monarcho-Fascism. Personally I think some of his arguments were weak and only applied to certain types of monarchies, however, I also believe there could be potential incompatibilities between the ideologies, due to fascism's leftist tendencies. Thoughts?

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Well, looks like we're hanging out here again because apparently julay is down.


Anyone have any idea what the hell happened this time?

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