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The bunker of romance

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Captcha down on 8ch. Copying and pasting meta thread OP contents in the mean time.

8chan NEWS
> DDoS protection from CloudFlare going under at 12:00 EST tonight: ready the bunker.
> Hotwheels to assist /leftypol/ in migration should the site go under. He is currently taking questions about 8chan in general: https://kiwifarms.net/threads/8chan-is-a-megaphone-for-shooters-shut-the-site-down-says-its-creator.59265/page-4#post-5116596
> Sadpanda died but revived soon after. Uncertain future.

/monster/ NEWS
> KC making a new World Guide for Comiket

> Rapid series of shootings brings heat to 8chan.
> Comiket starting up in a couple of days.
> Japan begins human-animal testing.
> KyoAni attacked by arsonist.

Any other news to add?

I can't believe people are actually cheering at 8chan being down. It's disgusting to see people mistreat free speech like that. At least some of us can talk here. I hope 8chan comes back up soon, I want to keep discussing monstergirls with you guys.

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8chan isn't even down. You can still get to it over the tor onion.
Everything is still there. 
This move from Cloudflare is like an Elderly Person deleting their Internet Explorer Icon on the Desktop and thinking they have disconnected from the Internet.

I expect it to be accessible from another host within a day or two. After all, it didn't allow illegal content. Just what many would consider distasteful. Cloudflare are just being idiot moral police.


Hiroshimoot is less of a problem when cloudflare doing what they did means 8chon is kill for the foreseeable future. Hopefully everybody doing a CYOA had their shit archived and link saved, since there's no guarantee that this is going to get fixed.

there's still an snapshot from aug 4 on wayback machine, plus the tor links, I think everything should be alright. Just continue your cyoas as normal and we (probably me) should take care of the rest I guess?

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The DDoS protection we were going to receive has been revoked. I believe both 8chan and the daily stormer must now find a new provider.

i've softened towards josh a bit. He does his damndest to keep kiwifarms up and looking at the dumb shit he was working with between jim and HW it seems more apropos looking back on it that they're more to blame then he is. In fact Josh became one of the bigger whistleblowers on their shady operation, although this may just be because he was a proclivity for internet drama.

Here's the CYOA thread links I made the other night. For whoever needs them.

Space Quest thread 2: Fluffball boogaloo
http://archive.is/ZLBRX (current)

A Revenant's Tale: Part 2
https://web.archive.org/web/20190805025620/https://8ch.net/monster/res/390617.html (current)

The Pilgrimage CYOA 3 - Da Pacem Domina
https://web.archive.org/web/20190805025353/https://8ch.net/monster/res/400057.html (current)

A Farmer's Tale: Summer's Breeze.
https://web.archive.org/web/20190805025838/https://8ch.net/monster/res/404714.html (current)

Heist Quest
https://web.archive.org/web/20190805025949/https://8ch.net/monster/res/398574.html (current)

Cathy II: A Gargoyle's CYOA: The Lonely Road
https://web.archive.org/web/20190805030637/https://8ch.net/monster/res/391071.html (current)

If I were you, I'd wait to see if our home is actually kill or not before committing to posting stuff here, partly because some of your reader base may miss stuff if they were just waiting on 8chan to not be dead, but also partly because archives of the main threads were they to continue would lack anon responses, which are a pretty big part of both what makes Wizardquest what it is and why going back through the archives is so enjoyable.


Good thing too. If worse comes to worse at least the 'major' bodies of work are saved. Not keen on losing the funny greentexts though but it is what it is.  

The only thing I did in spess shitpost within the last 24 hours is thanking you for the backup. I also made a backup a few hours earlier as I noticed the old link wasn't up to date so I think I'm save at least

Yes,I also appreciate your archive anon, all I wanted to say in the last 24 hrs is that you’re MVP and I’d like to do some artfag shit for you now that all this shit has given me some unwanted free time.
Anyone know of a good place to keep artfag shit when these kinda things happen or am I gonna have to start using goddamn deviantart? It needs to be nsfw
8ch died so Cathy could remain pure:^)

> I’d like to do some artfag shit for you now that all this shit has given me some unwanted free time
I don't know of anything right now. Save that for when we pick somewhere to setup shop. I just don't want the /monster/ writefag community to die...

Do you honestly think I'd invest all the autism I did into my little magical realm and let the cunt die because 8chan got killed? C'mon mate...

(Also top fucking lel at bitmitigate. "We 100% support freedom of speech except we don't even own our servers so that promise means precisely dick")

i'm just waiting for the half-dozen cyoa continuation threads to go up, a few updates to happen here, and then 8chan to come back up and screw with having to go back and forth to make sure everything's squared away

keep in mind he made a tweet close to that one talking about how the site might just go clearnet and we'd have to deal with the storm

so business as usual if the site comes back up, if not just a little bit shittier, but i think /monster/ is slow enough that it wouldn't really matter

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(Copied and pasted from /a/)
Current Anon map, if you know where more are please say.
> /v/ - https://vch.moe/v/ & zeronet
> /a/, /tg/ and /yuri/ - here (smuglo.li)
> /pol/ - endchan? mlpol? 
> /b/ - spacechan
> /monster/ - endchan

I think we should stay on the bunker for a little bit if we go clearnet so that anons may avoid the turbulence of DDoSing, but if the site is mostly untouched it should be fine for us to ‘go to the surface.’

> We 100% support freedom of speech except we don't even own our servers so that promise means precisely dick
I know, right? Holy shit, you hosted daily fucking stormer of all things for so long and you still haven't secured ownership over your own assets.

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The article that Cloudflare wrote about 8chan made me sick. 8chan isn't some Nazi recruitment campaign. It let anyone talk about anything with anyone else, whether that's monster girls or whatever it is that the kids on /pol/ think they're accomplishing.
I guess hitting a random pointless target like 8chan helps someone somewhere feel like they're still in charge of things.

> I don’t know what exactly it is, but I’m finding there’s something very comfy about endchan.
It's the fact that normalfags don't know of its existence. Shit, 99% of cuckchan probably doesn't even know. Security by obscurity, more or less.

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Here's even more CYOAs, and two greentext.

Barbarian Quest [Full]

Warrior Quest [up to Thread 6]

Fantasty [up to thread 4]

Illusionist Quest [Full]

My vow [Full]

Shining in the Light [up to thread 4]

The trail of the shit-wizard [full]

Wizard 2 [up to thread 8]

Echo & Lynn

The Silent knight [first thread]

Done https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=42795254  unfortunately you’ll need a membership to view most of it (right now only dumped roughly 400 imgs from Cathy 1 marked as mature) 
I know you guys don’t care for discord but I’ll probably link it on my pixiv for anyone who wants to keep in touch with me reliably /endshill
Yes, I’ll take all the help I can get, you guys are awesome and I hate that we have to go through this shit. Donno about other cyoas but I’m gonna wait a bit before I decide to post here or not. God willing a speedy recovery for /monster/ and 8ch

I curse myself for not having finished the web archival tool I was working on. Had I been a week earlier, this would not have been as catastrophic.
Any /ita/-fags in here? And the guy who keeps drawing monstergrills as "doodle_#", did he make it here?

Anyone save the knight's quest threads? I was away! I would've done it! I only realized fucking /pol/niggers permaniggered the entire site when it was too late! I weep! Oh how I weep! Fuck you /pol/ I hope you all get cucked by dirty disgusting muslims

You know what's more likely? When the tard posted in diarrhoea "manifesto" on /pol/ it brought in speds ranging from Reddit fags to stormfags to sperg on there. 
I'll admit I haven't visited /pol/ in ages but last I was there it was full of accelerationist retards and asspie q boomers.
They get no sympathy from me, at least us and /v/irgins and the lot can tuck in a snug corner somewhere, /pol/acks are fucking shagged. They got run out by moot unlike us, who left of our own accord. We cleaned the place of pedos and they shat it up with their retarded stormfag and plebbit friends.

God I feel old. Rip fullchan, old friend.

some more archives


I wish I had more time to read more writefag stories.

> polacks are shagged
what are you talking about? you think eliminating a url eliminates that board and everyone on it? 
There's a reason why pol on here, even with that turbo rulecuck of a vol, is top board again, and I'm sure it's the same in a lot of other places now too.

It is best. pol came to the conclusion that actual action would be required to produce results, so for better or worse their path is set. As in many things they were correct, two measly shootings and 
http://archive.is/GmB4N has already happened for two south american countries.

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Anyone ever tried an alternative descentralized net project like Hyperboria? I tried to contact them but they never gave me an invite.

I think we need a new internet layer that is freed from the isp's and the governments so we can finally shitpost in peace. Otherwise they and their stupid control laws will keep ruining things and censor things for us. Which is hypocritical as shit as they usually end up owning islands with children sex slaves and cocaine.

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