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The bunker of romance

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Though Hotwheels may go full Moot, though 8chan may be dead, though this bunker may have no dark theme, my love for Kikis shall never die.
thumbnail of Kiki with Gun and Shota.jpg
thumbnail of Kiki with Gun and Shota.jpg
Kiki with Gun and... jpg
(115.64 KB, 868x899)
thumbnail of Kiki with Gun.jpeg
thumbnail of Kiki with Gun.jpeg
Kiki with... jpeg
(209.2 KB, 975x1440)
thumbnail of born 4 mastah.jpg
thumbnail of born 4 mastah.jpg
born 4 mastah jpg
(1.8 MB, 4032x3024)
thumbnail of Kikimora150.jpg
thumbnail of Kikimora150.jpg
Kikimora150 jpg
(121.69 KB, 958x717)
thumbnail of kikk.jpg
thumbnail of kikk.jpg
kikk jpg
(125.71 KB, 849x1199)
> Though Hotwheels may go full Moot
I realize upon posting that this might imply that the rat bastard hasn't already betrayed us. My mistake.
Tomorrow, when I'm more awake, I'll dump my Kiki folder. Ammit willing, the site will be back up and I won't need to.
> Posting here's so slow I might just switch to dumping on the smuglo.li bunker
Aux already recommended moving there. Most people have already moved in the meantime.

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New Reply on thread #1319
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