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I hope it will be that guy with PGP key. At least he had his cryptography sort of right.
Also, avatarfaggots and attention whores are the worst chan owners you can ever imagine.

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hakase said first come, first served, IIRC, and Staravatarfag was first. I agree that he'd probably be a disaster, though, from a technical standpoint, if nothing else. Really didn't seem to know his stuff. And, yeah, avatarfags are generally insufferable.

Of course, it's not like hakase is particularly reliable or consistent, anyway, so he may very well say "fuk it, i know i said first come, first served, but it's goin' to PGPfag anyway lel."

I can't really blame him for killing nano, though. The quality of the site was always hit-or-miss, and it's been pretty bad lately, though part of that was due to incompetent administration, e.g. splitting /b/ up. He sees that it's shit. I see that it's shit. I guess at least several nanons are already experiencing anticipatory nostalgia about an IB that's less than a year old, though. 

It is a pity, though. I've written before on nano and elsewhere that what made imageboards special was never the technology, but a certain spirit of freedom and creativity that depends on a kind of secret-sauce combination of the userbase and the administration working in a certain format. 4chan had it and lost it long ago, even before the big exodus to 8. 8chan had it briefly for months or maybe even as little as a few weeks. It was definitely gone by the time Freddit was turned into hog feed. Nanochan...maybe had an inkling of it? Or, perhaps, had the potential for it; a potential that never matured. 

Oh well. Lightning already struck twice. Asking for three times was probably asking too much.

i don't completely disagree but the freedom you appreciate also opens it up to people who post maliciously. 4chan didn't have armies of ideologues and well-funded activists seeking to destroy it. how many billionaires gave a fuck about shitposting in the 00s?

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