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5 guys discussing brokeback mountain forever

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Good morning nekos.
I'm looking at the OP of this thread and can't help but notice that the attached file has nothing to do with the thread's subject. Why is that?
I hope this was an honest mistake and not a rushed attempt to further shill a midfu less than a quarter of this board relishes into the catalog, that would be very distasteful.

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Funny thing, I can't remember if I posted anyone regularly. I guess if I saw the list I might've been able to single someone out that I would post from time to time but I don't think I've got anyone that I was actually posting.
> Good times, them
Is it not good times now because you're posting boni? HUH?

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Chazza A. Princeton claims he HAD a friend who streamed pornography, meaning that friendship NO longer exists.
Who betrayed who? Who's the weak link in the beef? Ditch it or link it?

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this application is cooking my brain, i need 48 donuts STAT.

> 25,000 character maximum EACH for 3 application questions 
if I write less than 20k they won't even read it...

Time to LOCK in, WRITE some ESSAYS and get this job.

By which I mean, I'm gonna sleep on it and get back to the job grind tomorrow.

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Today was good, more productive than the last week, granted I wasn't as productive as I would be ideally but we're getting there.

@neko who last night said he'd listen to Modest Mouse - Third Planet
Your thoughts?

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Fun discovery: I cannot manipulate a simple 3 variable relationship in my head during intense exercise
As I was biking up this 1.5 km long and really steep hill I was considering the idea of how the side road would be to cycle up, if it was steeper, longer and if it had the same final altitude. The relationship between the variables was basically the speed, distance, time triangle but I legit figure out the different relationships in my head due to how much effort I was putting in to not stop pedalling. Very funny

> person on 4chan is arguing with someone else
> one of them posts a screencap of what ChatGPT summarized and rephrased the other guy's post as (in simpler terms)
Frightening to see that people are so retarded they're getting into arguments despite needing a slopmachine to tell them what the thing theyre arguing against meant to begin with

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Isn't this a little more complicated?
Anyway I remember blanking out during my cardio sessions too, depending on how strenuous they were. Physical activity is not very conductive towards thinkering, at least not simultaneous.
But it's the second of the month BUDDY
But that's basically conceding the argument. Not that it means anything on an anonymous board with thousands of users.
Literal brainlet move.

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> chilling and doing absolutely nothing for the past weeks because school is over
> the company I was doing research for just sent me an e-mail saying "hey buddy, we've been waiting for your results for 2 weeks what the fuck have you been doing"
I forgor 💀 My scienceman career is so acabow.

People will call this "brave and stunning", but when I say I'm in love with my 2b android waifu and I will never settle for 3dpd I'm "cringe" and "need to grow up".
Really says a lot about society and shit.

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I've officially entered delusional mode, daydreaming about what life will be like if I get the job I'm working on an application for today.

I need to temper my expectations, I'm not gonna parachute into a £32k annual salary job as my first full time job post post-graduate studies, maybe if I was studying finance or some shit with real money involved.

Still, it's nice to think how I'd budget the money, setting aside X amount in the first few months so I can upgrade my PC to a giga pc and finally be able to play Hitman 2 levels on stream. Putting a few thousand in the bank every couple of months so I could theoretically get a mortgage for a house before I turn 30.

I am filled with hope, joy, whimsy and determination, I am hopeful. Life is so whitepilled and wonderful.

> you can just tell from looking at him
That depends, unless he's clearly over natty limit I wouldn't be sure sure.
Or if he just blown up in a year from dyel to big guy.
I guess it also depends on his age.
> Probably for vanity reasons.
Which funny enough is why I work out too. More or less I guess.
I've got a friend that got really lucky and got a kind of job a person would love to land directly after uni (not even related to his studies). I'm pretty sure he's got more luck than wits though.
I hope you get a nice thing though neko :)

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Damn, he's been working out for last 20 years it seems :^)
Actually though he could've put in the work and be pretty much this huge... Not worth it.
Only cool nekos watch that though. Not escaping cool accusations...
Okay okay, I'm mortgaging my house right now to bet on Biden (on call with the bank) (nao falsa)

> new warlockracy video is out.
Yea I just noticed, I was staying up for no reason late but now I gotta watch at least a few minutes before I sleep.
Wasn't noemie posted before? Would that mean that neko is infested, rotten to the core?

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I was the main noemi poster on chen, and I have probably posted noemi once or twice on /neko/ but despite being the biggest noemi poster (by mass) I honestly don't engage with her tiktok often, I mostly see her instagram posts, so a lot of what I end up saving is images.

Her instagram is usually full of either cute pictures or funny ones, pic related.

And whilst I joked about the post above being a coomer, it was clearly a joke, even in a swimsuit, by far the least dressed of any tok posted so far on /neko/ i just don't think it exudes coomer energy, noemi is far too goofy for that. she's just hungarian.

also, her dog died like a week ago, rest in peace cherry's dog, he seemed like a good boy from the stuff she posted of him.

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> clearly visible curvature of the earth
Uhhhh... Flatheads????
> just look at the first ever post on it
>  >>/3/ (you)
Yea buddy I'm sorry but we LOVE KAY
> I will avoid attaching any tok that displays a single inch of skin
> posts a tok that clearly shows plenty of wrist area
Yea buddy, you're a BIG LIAR

Also good morning nekos :)
Even good morning to this neko that's clearly a pouter  >>/2659/

Bought a new batch of tea
100 bags of Twinings' Earl Grey (to complement the 30 bags I still have left) and a box of "Apple, Cinnamon and Raisin" tea that looked kinda nice desu

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I'm gonna wait myself today to check, it probably didn't change much.
> just ate big
It's over for skeletonmaxxing...
> satan trips for Boni
I always knew Boniposter was EVIL
> I have been bulking for 28 years
Damn that's a long bulk... Well, the good news is that at least you're not actually getting insanely fat, I've just yesterday seen a picture of a girl that's 23 and like 250 kilos. Truly acabou in all possible ways

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I don't even remember Boni cosplays that well (I mostly recognize if I saw the tok or not since I watch EVERY SINGLE ONE YOU POST OF COURSE) but I'm pretty sure I would not agree with that assessment.

Attaching a secret message from me to you BUDDY

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Funny thing, I was browsing through Boni toks and I watched this one in particular before you posted it (I don't remember if you posted it before, you probably did)
> I think I just like how she looks with short hair desu
He wants a tomboy gf so bad even his fu is prettier to him with short hair... Acaboat

My polish fu is posting so much but it's all stuff that you need to rotate and I don't feel like doing all that work (I'm lazy) (true)

Lmao, I actually thought his name is Koichi because I never read the tags and it's an actual Japanese name (while Kokichi I have no fucking idea), but, I've decided to search for it before posting and there's ANOTHER character named Koichi in danganronpa so I thought it's that guy LMAO (didn't click the wiki link)

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In a small town called Southport, a children's dancing class was attacked by a 17 year old non-white individual with a knife. 3 young girls died, several were severely injured, some adults were too who fought to protect them.

The attacker wasn't named because he was 17 years and 355 days old, and because of our law children criminals aren't named unless it's deemed in the public interest.

Supposed 'far-right' groups have mobilised protests and riots across the country in the past few days, claiming the attacker was a muslim.

The attacker turns out to have been born in the UK, to immigrant parents, but still.

My city had a protest within the last few days and dozens of people were arrested. In southport they lit a police van on fire. Shops have been looted in some places.

There's still protests to this day, like 5 days later.

Honestly, I hate the club so much
shit music, no vibes, I hate people, double price for a fucking drink past midnight
I bought the blue drink twice just because one of the ingredients was named "coração blue" I'm that much of a português learning fag
I hate it I hate it my bus last bus left 24 min ago the next one goes in 4 hours I hate it I would rather spend time watching my animu and playing terraria fuaaaark gg bros sleep tight for me cus I AM NOT GETTING ANT SLEEP TONGIJT 🇱🇷🇲🇦🇰🇼🇰🇵🇰🇿🇬🇺🇭🇷🇮🇪🇬🇷🇬🇳🇪🇷🇫🇮🇩🇰🇩🇪🇫🇰🇨🇿🇧🇮🇨🇦🇨🇭🇧🇴🇧🇱🏁🇦🇱🇦🇪🏳️‍🌈🎌

He's not going to die in that club (hopefully)
Thankfully I don't have any normie friends that would pull me out to go clubbing.
I guess I do have one that would but we would be having fun being retarded most probably.
I'm sorry for your sleepless night, hopefully you meet a cute girl :)

legit did my only party twig trick which is the kazotsky kick Tf2 and got rewarded with a free drink from a dude who said he was part of the organising crew. gg my fucking dancer

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party trick* I am NOT a twig
anyways here's my shadow doxx I recorded this going like 20kmh on a electric scooter against my judgement telling me  not to; had to for the nekos.

only time I'm saying gn
gn nekos thank god for autocorrect knowing the work  nekos cuz I can't for the life of me spell tonight 

turned my phone back on to say this
take care of your fukxikg  ears. normally I have a pretty acceptable volume levels on my headphnes but since I was a ttbe club with way too loud of a volume my ears are fucked tonite; ringing like .
lower your volume and be careful nekos

my brothers on chan, I am still fucking drunk, just "slept" (if you can even call it that) 6 hours on the kitchen floor and I am on my way home. feel like SHIT but I do it for my country

thumbnail of 7399330787264400646 OMORI  #basil @lou (^з^)-☆   #omori #omorisunny #omoribasil #omoricosplay #sunny #sunnycosplay #basilcosplay #sunnyomori #basilomori-264.mp4
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 ok last post but I wrote this when I was leaving the grocery store where my friend lives
I am now home (see attached file for proof) and I think I am having the worst hangover I have ever had. It literally almost feels more inhibiting of motor function and mental capacity than actually being drunk.

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> I am NOT a twig
Debatable 😈
Yea I never go over the volume limit nowadays, just because I've been having some ear stints from pressure difference during workouts. 
I dunno what it is, probably me getting old and not handling heavy cardio well, since I never did any stupid stuff with my ears.
> "slept" (if you can even call it that) 6 hours on the kitchen floor
> I am having the worst hangover I have ever had
You're sobering up without sleeping. Whenever you get a hangover the worst part is most of the time covered by sleep actually. Also done that and it's a real pain to sober up while awake lmao.
> Oyasumi
No oyasumi... WAKE UP... Actually though goodnight dumbo

Good morning to all the NON-NORMIE nekos though :)

Probably not a drinking problem, just drinking in bad company problem. I've never enjoyed "drinking socially" and have grown to hate it the older I get.
If I get drunk I want to do it with my best buddies where I can feel at ease and I know I can be extensively candid so don't have to be worrying about slipping up or saying something dumb.
Or alone I guess but I haven't been doing that for a while.

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the only time men should drink is at night around a fire. drinking for recreation is a womanly habit for females who enjoy being feminine and having vaginas.

I would know, I'm the peak of alpha chad masculinity on this board. I post Susu.

holy fuck nekos the uk has fallen, the right wing protestors have taken over.

anyway, im going for a night walk, dont ask me where i was at 8pm on the 5th of august 2024. can someone feed my goldfish for me?

> UK tokkers reposting stories about how the protestors are "literally planning to fucking murder people"

it's been like a week of protests and nobody has even been seriously injured yet. Save for the 3 girls who were murdered and the 10 more who were critically injured by the murderer :^)

I'm starting to think these white supremacists aren't actually terrorists, if they are, they're very bad at it. The screenshots of telegram chatrooms with blurred names inciting violence could very easily be faked.

Mosques in my country are playing call to prayer messages celebrating Hamas leaders
A paradigm shift happened in the last 2 years and these kinds of problems have seen a radical increase compared to pre-covid

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What if you were hanging out with your fu and there was an emergency so they were paging Dr. Beat but he was nowhere in sight so you stepped up and warned that you were not a doctor but you may be able to help and your diagnosis was that no one was treating the person well but they end up dying anyway because their larynx (Adam's apple) was rotten right to the core and so you had to get rid of the body-ody-ody-ody but you got caught and tried to plead that your had good intentions and your fu was your alibi but the police didn't care so you jump up super high, high up in the sky to send a message through the stars to you lawyer (Jayoma reference) but he replies that that just isn't his problem (problem!) so you try to swerve and dip the police but they fire their guns like pop-pop pop (pop pop) and you die on the floor and then the Dr. Beat finally arrives but they got the wrong doctor and it's actually Dr. Disrespect and he's really busy but it's fine since he's used to working late cause he's a streamer?

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I've caught the modded terraria bug
It last happened to me 4 years ago but what it entails is that I open up terraria for "a quick session before I do something else" and bob's your uncle, I have been playing for 9 hours and only eaten a single slice of pizza and drank a single glass of water today
24 hours played in the last 3 days. Not that much but it's a bit much. At least it's not at my Nier: Automata levels where I had 40 hours played in the last 72
I thought it had already happened

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And he probably doesn't even play with JoJo Stands STAR FINGA... STAR FINGA... STAR FINGA... ZA WARUDO
Good luck with your Calamity super duper insta death run neko.
> I thought it had already happened
I think it was somewhere around yesterday but I don't really feel like checking the timestamp.

thumbnail of 7044595229001043206 ALL MY LIFE LEARNING THIS DANCE… and still i cant do it ._.  #hatsunemiku #hatsunemikucosplay #miku #mikucosplay #mikuhatsune #mikuhatsunecosplay-264.mp4
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Saw a bird getting his steps in as he was walking down this narrow hiking trail that I walk my dogs on. Thought to myself, "Good on him, using those legs of his." However, he must've heard us coming down behind him because he hurried to fly away from the scene. The first words that came into my head as he did?: "annoyed sigh Wingcucking..."

Oh sorry LOL I was so distracted with the Mystery Box reward I forgot to update the nekos.

The mystery box contained 3 FREE hours of Baldur's Gate 3 CO-OP with an epal of my choice.

thumbnail of 6950730478550879494 SORRY FOR THE LACK OF VIDEOS AAAAAAAAA  #mikantsumiki #mikantsumikicosplay #danganronpa #dr2 #dr2cosplay #danganronpacosplay.mp4
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I have already played rogue up to Yharon phase 2 (back when yharon + supreme cal were the last 2 bosses), playing a mage in anything is for queers and playing melee is just boring cus all you do is stand still and swing your weapon without having to dodge

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You want creative expressionism? I made an homage to the modern day state of the housing crisis that is striking a vast area of the developed world in which major investment companies are buying up real estate in large quantities and raising prices to exorbitant degrees despite not offering much beyond the bare minimum of what should be an innate human right to shelter. These investment companies, due to knowing that people need a roof over their heads no matter their circumstances, do not fear leaving the grave majority of these apartments, condos and buildings vacant due to their venomous price gouging as they know that one day people will eventually come around and be forced to live in these prison-like holes as their wallets thin out and their quality of life continues to worsen day by day due to the lack of resources left over to pay for adequate sustenance, necessities or leisure activities. 

This is genius, some would even say modern art, however I must say you are missing one key component to the puzzle. The financial reason these blocks lay empty is because real estate tycoons do not want to lower the rent price, because doing so invariably causes the financial world to evaluate the total price of the building lower. Their rents must remain artifically high, to the point where it is obviously less profitable than a full building with cheaper rents, because it keeps their asset as valuable as possible for a future sale.

Also, have you considered that some of the chairs are facing opposite ways from the table and it looks very silly.

> The table is DECORATION
this is what Lords of the Land actually believe. yes sir, yes sir, I shall grant you 75% of my salary for the privilege of sheltering from the rain inside your property. I won't even sleep in the bed for fear that I might piss in the night.

thumbnail of 7194112662198816006 it literally started to rain and i had to close the windows ._.  #kokichiouma #kokichioumacosplay #kokichioma #kokichiomacosplay #danganronpa #danganronpacosplay #danganronpav3-264.mp4
thumbnail of 7194112662198816006 it literally started to rain and i had to close the windows ._.  #kokichiouma #kokichioumacosplay #kokichioma #kokichiomacosplay #danganronpa #danganronpacosplay #danganronpav3-264.mp4
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I just outskilled Polterghast (like 4 bosses further in progression after Moon Lord than I should be on) and got a pissbroken summoner weapon. Now my dps has gone from 5k on a fast moving boss to like 16k. 
This game is very easy for the God Gamér

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Can't say I'm actually good but I've beaten expert and a few modded runs on expert too.
> God Gamér
More like Dog Gamér. GOT THE MUTIE
Lmao, remind me of that one time where I was cleaning the laptop too (also it was the second time I was doing it on this one) and after getting it all back together it didn't boot. Forever. Didn't feel like working out what's the problem and it was just a I'm bored job that time.

I am not trans so I won't be using any modifications, I will put on a podcast and I will BUILD NICE HOUSES for the npcs to live in. I will live in a cozy cottage in the woods with my druid wife. and i will build a freaking hellevator to hell.

> I will NOT plant herbs and go potionless.
You are going to watch me stream building a herb garden for 4 hours and you will like it. I even roleplay brewing the potions over a cauldron like some kind of madman.

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> OreMiner
I think I've had that once or twice but I've never used it.
It doesn't save that much time and I think gathering ores is an integral part of the game, while inventory management is definitely not for me.
But I guess you guys just YEARN for the warehouse sorting simulator level gameplay, would expect nothing else from cool nekos that LOVE forklift simulator.

your streamer: plays valorant 8 hours a day with her boyfriend
my fucking streamer: spends 3 hours building a house in 2d minecraft, suspiciously forces the 2 hottest female npcs to live in his bedroom and bathroom

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Famous Twitch streamer Chazza A. Princeton has been spotted rioting with the C.H.U.D squad in the streets of Birmingham, harassing hecking validerino allies with his tok folder. Who will stop xer?

> the far right are throwing acid at us now
source? please, a single reputable newspaper claiming this would be nice.

i fucking hate social media and what it's done for misinformation spreaders. take me back to the good ol days where misinformation spread because it took a guy 8 days on a horse to carry a message across the empire.

those aren't even official sabers, they're far too short. knock-off chinesely shit. i'd throw my acid folder at her, then go have a chinese with the lads, bazza, dazza and razza and me, quafing pints and eating chicken chow mein

> melee players saying they are doing 45-60k on this boss
> summoner players get ONE (1) SHOT and do 10k dps AT MOST
and you guys shittalk me for playing the most skilled class

I actually didn't notice because the first time I was watching the tok you sent I was not exactly paying attention and then like 10 minutes later when it downloaded finally from my script I was like a few toks in (watching other fus and thinking about multitude other things including my script breaking in one very specific instance)

it's midnight. time to turn off the computer and sleep on my NEW MATRESS. pog. if i still sleep badly maybe I'll be forced to confront that staying up every night to midnight on a screen isnt helping.

alas, i will never admit it.

im going live for terraria, but I'm not plugging my mic in and I'm gonna have the audio muted as I watch videos on my other monitor, feel free to watch as you desire but I'm planning on building so you won't be missing any progression if you just tab back in every 47 minutes

Honestly, if I was bald, a millenial and a bit more charming I could probably do NL's job. I have the memory capacity for useless internet jokes and uninteresting references that I could match his ability to talk about random tiktok videos or tweets

with a heavy heart I've just deleted my funky archive. i cannot in good conscious even allow such a MONSTER to take up space on my hard drive. this is worse than what mr beast's tranny groomer friend did.

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> inappropriate pictures of minors
She's a minor anyway so idrc lmao.
Also if it wasn't obvious funky is yaoibrained from her insta lol
> Imagine getting cancelled for reposting fucking artwork on pinterest.
I highly doubt anyone would care, everybody that would probably zoned out long time ago with the stuff she posts on insta, unless she's got real dedicated haters.
Naurrrrrrr it's over, funkybros we've lost another one...

> Not assuming your race, just doubt your black
Why is it the ugliest fucking munters that make these call out/cancelled posts?

> this is their regular cosplay
> and THIS is the keya one
(she literally looks like she's just under different lighting)
the 'light skinned' cosplay examples she's using are all under very bright white ring lights, where the keya ones are using more natural yellowish lighting

Is this just a jealous bitch trying to rag on someone more successful?

> someone living in latin america using warm, dark lighting looking more tan than when using bright white lighting, probably makeup to make them lighter and a filter to make them paler
I swear, these social justice warriors are more racist than I am
> changing your skin color with filters to achieve a darker skin tone doesn't seem right
> doubt your black
every time they use these vague remarks to not have to take a stance. If theyre wrong "sorry I told you it didnt SEEM right and that I was DOUBTING" but if theyre right "I told you all along!!!"

> Is this just a jealous bitch trying to rag on someone more successful?
yes, it's also her reaction after getting caught copying funky, like cosplay + audio + every little movement
all she had to do was to credit funky but she chose violence

just reading it does nothing unless you have the mindset doing all the heavy lifting for you to actually want to (and succeeding to) lose weight
same with women who have dream catchers to stop bad thoughts and shit from spilling over from their dreams. the dream catcher itself does nothing (nor does reading calories) but its the mindset that makes the placebo work for them in that case

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Today is the 2 year anniversary of me adopting my new identity, Alice, and the -1 year (and a bit!) anniversary of me beginning my journey with HRT. To celebrate these milestones, I am finally feeling brave enough to come out to you guys here, the nekos. You guys are my friends, my social circle and to that one neko, you know who you are, also my lover (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡ and I wish you all a good day and I hope that you all still accept me as one of your own despite this sudden change. You can still refer to me by my board identities but if you would like to call me Alice as well, I would be greatly appreciative of that.
Life is wonderful.

tenshillion update
> she lost all her kyedae merch and multiple cosplays
> her ex-boyfriend is american and she shipped a bunch of stuff over to him when she visited last
> he 'hates her guts' now she's dating nova
> he won't send it back
novachads stay winning

ive gotten about 4 hours of sleep before i now have woken up due to some immense ear pain
probably got some disease that attacks the ear, which would be the first time in my rememberable life
acabou bros, this sucks

I forgor to update the nekos. My dog's paw is healed up almost completely, the vet gave us no extra medicine and said she can take the cone off her head now. She was so happy on the way back home to no longer have a big ass annoying cone on her head. her name is yoshimi, she's got a blackbelt in karate

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Someone on ch*n posted a good kelly tok I hadn't seen, so I suppose it's not all trash.

Unfortunately, it seems the admin has figured out how to delete posts entirely, so the 'get' has been reset and is once more up for grabs.

I knew this was going to happen
He did it once before, literally going into the database and removing posts just to undo something. Was tempted to write "Odds on transmin memoryholing the posts?" but figured nobody wouldve remembered when it happened the first time

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She had a lump in her paw that was later determined to be a cancerous tumour, she underwent surgery 4 or 5 weeks ago to remove it, and has been going to the vet weekly for checkups and new medicine since.

The surgeons/cancer experts estimate she has about a 65% chance that the cancer won't return, but they weren't able to take as much mass from her paw as they would've liked because the tumour was growing right on a joint, if they took too much, they could've permanently disabled her paw.

Anyway, we're looking on the bright side, which is the cancer probably won't return, and even if it does, she probably has a year or two before it is serious.

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I told her that you're happy she's recovering and she looked at me, stood up on her hind paws, walked towards me like a human, looked me dead in the face and said "We cannot allow Donald Trump to become president, PLEASE Vote for Kamala Harris this November."

what the fur?

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Neko's downtime did coincide with the Spose - No Lies parody being deleted, which I consider a tragedy for all nekokind because it was hilarious, and it's funny, intelligent and handsome writer never saved a copy, so it's lost to time.

If only that straight, cisgender man, with excellent taste in 'fus, a high degree of skill in video games and I can only assume a full head of hair saved the parody post, the book of epic posts would be larger today.

thumbnail of 7392746186072984878 I love my dog shes so funnyyyy🩷 #funny #makeup #cosplayer #valorant #fy #foryou #cosplay #meme #girlsgirl #killjoy #riotgames #gamer #trending #valorantclips #valorantgaming_264.mp4
thumbnail of 7392746186072984878 I love my dog shes so funnyyyy🩷 #funny #makeup #cosplayer #valorant #fy #foryou #cosplay #meme #girlsgirl #killjoy #riotgames #gamer #trending #valorantclips #valorantgaming_264.mp4
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I will not be posting until the next 2 trips gets have been resolved. Please be mindful of the next few posts and only post high quality toks if you think you might claim a get.

Posting pvmpk1nn, the cutest valorant cosplayer. (Tenshi who???)

zased gets, absolutely zased. so glad that two EVROPEANFUS got the gets, and not a LATAMLOSER.

praise HHulkogan brothers, hyperborea and atlantis was, and is will be real. hold the line, love isn't always on time.

shops closed until tomorrow. the time is... very late.

I liked it so that means you must have bad taste given that within the last few hours I was complimented on my great taste. I have proof backing up my great taste and you have???? exactly. you have WRONG

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Pic related! It has a little bit for everyone:
> fully huezilian (for bonineko)
> the guys are really buff (for gymneko)
> HARDCORE SEX between men (for gayneko)
And to top it off:
> lots of incest for all the nekos that expressed on the twitchers how much they love their brothers

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Yo listen up here's a story
About a little toad that lives in a cat world
And all day and all night everypost he sees 
it's just cool unlike him inside and outside
Uncool his toks with uncool resolutions
And uncool filenames and everything's uncool with him
And himself and every tadpole around
Cause he ain't got no nekos to listen (to listen, to listen)....
I'm new da ba dee dabba dae

Instagram is fucking creepy. In my recommended following list is the gymnastics team that a girl I lived with was on... 5 years ago.

I do not follow said girl, nor does she follow me. I have never opened her Instagram account and the team has like 80 followers and hasn't posted in 4 years.

Yet it somehow recommended it to me. Curious.

As promised - The Great Sacking Blogpost 

I've been in completely the wrong mindset to be writing anything since this saga began 2 weeks ago in its most urgent stage - the gradual build up began much earlier. But this morning, after many close calls and false starts, I have been granted a temporary stay of execution, and it is time to reflect and to decide on what comes next. 

For those who have somehow missed one or two of these blogs over the past 3 or so years that I've been churning them out, each entry more repetitive and less than the last, here is the basic outline: 

Around covid time, I took a plunge from a precarious place and cascaded to an even lower depth. At the time the decision felt necessary and righteous, and, even now, the thought induces a little half-forgotten part of me to jump to attention like a little red army soldier to defend it with an obstinacy only the deepest regret can create. I won't do my past self the disservice of pretending there was no merit to the decision, but i certainly played that bad hand particularly abysmally. 

So overnight I discarded my old life and began again from scratch. By the time I had settled into a semi stable state of being I had squandered every £ to my name, acquired a sizeable debt, and severed my relationship with nearly every person I knew. Months of isolation, poverty and misery ensued, the ups and downs of which felt so very feal and meaningful at the time but now fade together like a barely remembered dream. I remember making a vow to myself in a dark hotel room that when everything was back in order I would be a new man, unrecognisable from what had come before. And I break that vow anew every day. 

Somehow there was more than a full year between that moment and the bingo era - God knows where that time went. There was a failed romance with a spanish girl that earned a pathetic blogpost I don't think even the most diehard loremasters can remember. And I remember the loneliness. But apart from hardly any memories remain. A black box. 

Then one september day, my mind still clouded by thoughts of dear Rosaline, I walked into a new minimum wage job and laid eyes on a face that immediately wiped the slate clean. Black hair with red highlights, a little nose piercing, that classic alt style. Big blue eyes, a cute smile. And life had colour again. 

Within a week or so we were dating, and within a month we were looking for places to move in together. Partly because it would have broken my heart not to save her from her dreadful family situation, but also no doubt a symptom of the impulsive idiocy which guides all of my decisions to this very day. Realistically I probably needed her more than she needed me. 

We found a cheap place and moved in on new year's eve, putting together the bed while fireworks were going off outside. There were some good periods to that year and a bit we spent there together, but certainly the low points weigh heavier in my memory. I won't delve into the details, but I'm sure there are people here who remember the tone of the blogposts. As it happens, neither sympathy nor desperation make great foundations for a lasting relationship.


Eventually I graduated, and before too long I had a fresh new graduate job, well paying, based in London. We had 3 months left of the tenancy, so I decided to stay put for now, assess the commute, and work towards a move in December. Flat searching was hellish, and was worsened by disagreements between us. She understandably wasn't keen on overhauling her life to live in a little London flat. At some point around this time she loses her job, and suddenly I am paying for everything. All plans of moving are shelved, and I continue my expensive, draining commute. 

At its worst, in our peak part of the year, I was in the office until 9 or 10, taking the train back for 2 hrs and then waking at 7 the next morning to go 2 hrs in the other direction. Meanwhile she is moping around, unemployed and depressed, the house in the same state when I come home as when I leave it. I don't think the relationship was ever more strained than it was here. But she had nowhere to go back to, and I am a soft weak little man, so the miserable stalemate continued. 

She finds a new minimum wage job a while later. She argues that if a move to London isn't possible yet then we should move to a bigger place within the same town we were living, leaving the door open to a move in the future, when we'd saved up and she was done with studying. I have given up on all of my hopes and dreams at this point, so I let her. 

We stay there for 6 painful months, her enjoying domestic life with a proper house and a little garden and me regretting every decision I'd ever made. When the time when we can end the tenancy arrives I put my foot down, and I find a small flat in London. She comes down with me and immediately hates it. I tell her she can go back without me if she wants, and she decides she will. Within a day or two she has changed her mind and hangs around instead, and a miserable few weeks of mutual loathing proceed. 

Before too long she gets a real grown up job as an estate agent. I am able to actually travel to work more than twice a week. For me, life is well. For her, the choice of flat gives rise to a certain low-level resentment which rises up from time to time, but I don't think she has ever been in a better place. We are currently preparing for our next move, the last for a good while, to start next week. 10 minutes walk from where we live now, the same area, slightly more expensive but much nicer. Working in both of our interests, a place we can stay for a while to end our days of constant moving. This was the state of play two weeks ago, before things began to teeter. 

It is coming on 3am as I write this, so I will finish the story off tomorrow. I'll try to be more concise - this took me like an hour to write and it was just covering old ground

today i went to board game club and it was very hot i am delusional started to feel attracted to the black muslim girl that goes there, we vibe well together.

i saw an advertisement on the way back for the national lottery and started to wonder what i'd do if i won £1,000,000

buy a house
life frugally, I know I can live on £10k a year, as I managed it for 4 years as a student
maybe go back to uni and learn computer science

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The check-in of my cool bracket REQUIRES me to state what country I'm representing. It's so over, I'm too ESL to be American/Bri'ish and don't know any other language in order to larp as a national. I'm going to be exposed as a fraud. Es ist vorbei, finito.

It's official, Emory is SWEDISH and will claim to be a refugee if required to speak the language.
> we were giving a few suggestions for seedings
It's so over, as a no-namer I'm gonna get my teeth kicked in r1
I'm not even going to attach a tok, I'm inconsolable.

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thumbnail of 7391954370557955361 ☆ #MIYUKITAKARA !! ready for my Miyuki videos to flop bc it's hard to find Lucky Star fans rraaahhh  #cosplay #anime #luckystar #luckystarcosplay #miyukitakaracosplay #animegirl #animecosplay #y2k #2000s #fa_264.mp4
thumbnail of 7391954370557955361 ☆ #MIYUKITAKARA !! ready for my Miyuki videos to flop bc it's hard to find Lucky Star fans rraaahhh  #cosplay #anime #luckystar #luckystarcosplay #miyukitakaracosplay #animegirl #animecosplay #y2k #2000s #fa_264.mp4
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It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming
MD6's coming home
It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming
MD6's coming home
It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming
MD6's coming home
It's coming home, it's coming home, it's coming
MD6's coming home

Everyone seems to know the score, they've seen it all before
They just know, they're so sure
That Amaury's gonna throw it away, gonna blow it away
But I know he can play, 'cause I remember

Three toks on my post
Emory Patreon Still Posting
Four hours of hurt
Never stopped me dreaming

So many jokes, so many queers
But all those 'Oh naurrrrr's" wear you down through the years
But I still see that Quota by four and when Rudolph snored
Birdup chaining em all and Dirty smoking

Three toks on my post
Emory Patreon Still Posting
Four hours of hurt
Never stopped me dreaming

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I love you so much nekos. Being able to chat with you instead of staring at the wall waiting for my next matches made me feel so much less tired and stressed than usual.
Check your DM's, the patreon key will be there (I swear it won't be a duplicate this time)

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> Please refer to the attached tok for my response to your imperative
But it is literally your problem, my bed works quite fine BUD
> My bed is like that.
Naurrrrrrrrrr, you will never get laid if you don't fix yo bed... It's over, he's a volcel...

I have finished, I am 100th level. The great saga of leveling is over.

I have played 18 hours of Terraria and defeated THREE bosses. Eye of Cathulu, Destroyer of Worlds and Skeletran.

Conversely, the other neko had beaten moonlord on calamity in that timeframe.

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What's playin' on The WormTube? Some Fallout flick
Don't wanna sit next to normans, I'm cishetphobic
Order up a Pepsi Zero, spin breakbeat tunes
Gosh darn this dilate toolkit, my hole feels loose

I used to be a man of the Legion

Oh-oh-oh my God, what's happenin' to me?
Turnin' to a tranner, woah-oh-oh
Same ol' incel me, pair of new titties
Turnin' to a tranner, oh-oh-oh

Tried to open my soylent, took way too much
Instead I ordered sushi, with my neetbux
They said that life gets sweet as a transgirl
But mine has stayed the same as like a guy

I used to be a man of the Legion

Oh-oh-oh my God, what's happenin' to me?
Turnin' to a tranner, woah-oh-oh
Same ol' incel me, pair of new titties
Turnin' to a tranner, oh-oh-oh

Oh, I should've suspected it was a Troonout: New Gender reference. I do like the added touch of the chudcel to trans pipeline, the edgy anti-social teen that LARPs about how cool Caesar's Legion is because they hate women and minorities... becoming a woman and a minority.


Susu using something other than the same 3 tiktok audios? It's a new world. Life is wonderful. Cute tummy, I like the chain across her midwit region. Not a big fan of the permanent tattoo she's gotten. +3 for the holy cross, I love a tradfu.

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> Susu using something other than the same 3 tiktok audios
Actually suprised this is the only other one she used that audio in, I was pretty sure I saw an old tok with this but maybe I'm just schizo.
> Not a big fan of the permanent tattoo she's gotten.
Lmao, oh wait I didn't post it, okay, 2 toks I guess

I've been using it for a while now, basically since I rewrote the script. It just means I've been using the nvidia proprietary codec (and hardware acceleration) to convert it.
Funny thing some of the toks are still h264 because I've built in a failsafe that checks if conversion has been successful.

thumbnail of 7066098145544916229 MOGEKO CASTLE IN 2022!! #yonakakurai #yonakakuraicosplay #mogekocastle #mogekocastlecosplay #castelomogeko-264.mp4
thumbnail of 7066098145544916229 MOGEKO CASTLE IN 2022!! #yonakakurai #yonakakuraicosplay #mogekocastle #mogekocastlecosplay #castelomogeko-264.mp4
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One of life's toughest questions:
> Spend €400 on course literature that I know for a fact that I will not use a single time
> Not buying any of the course literature and then it biting me in the ass when the rare, first time occasion of me actually needing the books to learn happens

I dont go to an american college. I dont know if you realize this but for a book to be on z-lib, someone has to have uploaded it
I tried it with my entire last year and not a single book was available there

Oh yea, I forgot you're studying LAW so your course books are going to be WACK.
For me it was different because surprise surprise even though the coursework was in native books were recommended both in polish and english.

thumbnail of 7076860353388268805 OH NO LOOK WHOS BACK #kokichiouma #kokichi #kokichioma #kokichioumacosplay #kokichiomacosplay #kokichicosplay #danganronpa-264.mp4
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I checked libgen, found 3 (out of 10) of the books
one was from 2008 (4 new eitions since then, latest 2022), one was up to date and one from 2012 (3 editions since then, latest 2020. This last one was the most shocking because it's written by some really high status professor of international law at big shot universities)
I live in a country with 10 million people (of which 2 million dont speak the language) attending a course that few people do and those who find themselves studying this are usually upperclassmen to begin with. The odds of finding a book in my niche language thats also up to date are miniscule.
That's also looking past the entire point of having the book to begin with: we are allowed to bring them in with us to our exams and read them as we write. Having them as a digital copy does naught for me nor are we allowed to print them out and bring them loose with us.
The books are "valid" for about 2-3 years before the author churns out a new copy to make some more cash (and because the law is constantly changing and thus you have to update things continuously) so the already low sample size that buy these books reduce the odds of someone uploading them

> we are allowed to bring them in with us to our exams and read them as we write
Lmaooooo, this has to be the most artificial BUY MY BOOK shit that is allowed ever. Would be genuinely disappointed in my professors if they did that.
Tbh though if you're not going to read it anyway I don't see it helping you except for I dunno, moral support at the exam.

thumbnail of 7122512192523472134 Just you wait, Chainsaw Man!  #mitakaasa #asamitaka #mitakaasacosplay #asamitakacosplay #chainsawman #chainsawmancosplay #asamitakachainsawman #csm #csmcosplay-264.mp4
thumbnail of 7122512192523472134 Just you wait, Chainsaw Man!  #mitakaasa #asamitaka #mitakaasacosplay #asamitakacosplay #chainsawman #chainsawmancosplay #asamitakachainsawman #csm #csmcosplay-264.mp4
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> has to be the most artificial BUY MY BOOK shit that is allowed ever
Would be the case if my professors actually wrote the books. The reason it is like this is because the entire job revolves around being able to accurately consult literature and pick out relevant information, not to memorise a bunch of things like in STEM

Buddy I have watched every episode of Suits, Better Call Saul and The Good Wife (3 legal dramas) and not once have I seen a nerd consulting a book. They stand up, remember the law on the spot, make a passionate argument, make the opposing counsel look like fucking idiots, and then the jury finds their client zased and redpilled.

Do you think Jay Oma reads books? No, he's fucking Jay "Jay Oma" Oma.

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> not to memorise a bunch of things like in STEM
Lmao this has to be the funniest thing I've seen, especially coming from a law student.
I dunno about other courses but maths and CS, especially maths was the most don't have to remember much, on the other hand you've had to actually understand what you've learned very very well.
Like genuinely the formulas you've had to remember for the test? Probably would fit on an A5, most of the time much less. Would that give you anything if somebody just plopped you down with them in hand? Fat chance.

When I did chemE we had to memorize a bunch of chemical compounds, formulas (no formula sheets) and shit like that
> understand what you've learned very very well
yes, which is part of the "memorization" part. You have to understand and memorize how to apply something like the fourier transformation

Imagine you've done a derivation 1000 times, the 1001st time you did it you wouldn't be consulting a formula sheet on how to properly do it. You cannot conduct legal arguments in this way as it is almost antithecal and dangerous to absent-mindedly "apply and make legal arguments". Do you understand what I mean by what I said that in STEM you can memorize things (to a different extent)? Pythagoras theorem hasn't changed from the last time you did it
An uncertain mathematician checks the formula sheet, a certain lawyer still checks the law

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I did not go to sleep after my last post and instead cleaned my entire room and rushed to catch 6.30am train
I've only been here for 2 days and I'm so bored, there's absolutely nothing to do.
Today I walked to the big shopping ~15km for the wi-fi. Didn't enter any shop. Saw a cool car coolneko would appreciate. Ate a soup. I'm going to head back now. 
Didn't click on any of the toks because I'm a good citizen and don't blast music in public. Liked the fairy bounces (ai mlk 😳)
Thanks for reading my blog post

> yes, which is part of the "memorization" part
That's very reductionist, everything would be "memorization" if application of a concept to questions repeatedly is "memorization".
I guess the line is blurred when it comes to certain topics because you've had to have churned through the homework to truly understand the concept but I feel like there's a definite difference between being able to approach a novel problem with the tools you're equipped with and just applying a memorized formula on a question you've seen before. Most of the questions on the actually hard tests in my coursework were the former.
BUT of course there were the tests that were the latter, like remembering the data structures, or just solving a regular integral that we've had pretty much an analogue that were there during the classes. You've gotta test both for knowledge and ingenuity sadly, can't have people passing without having basics memorized.

frenchnotation, the movie movie movie streamer changed their twitch name but following should carry over and his pfp is the same

chazprinceton, the really bad video game streamer has permanently retired. however, a new video game streamer with the same skill level and annoying voice has emerged called "tadpolehater"

ratabooey still streams once a week, they have almost beat portal 2

> opened terraria just to check some mod, went "i'll give Yharon a try or two"
> 3 hours later, I have beaten Yharon multiple times and have now started attempts on the final boss
I planned on sleeping at midnight. This has been a terrible mistake.

> opened fallout: new vegas just to check some mod, went "i'll give the frontier a try or two"
> 3 years later, I have been making bathtub estrogen for months and now call myself Alice
I planned on being a man of the legion. This has been a terrible mistake.

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penis on screen
titties on screen
subtitles are horribly desynched
something gay happens
asian film
i tab out to watch tiktoks instead
nobody understandsd it
jake gyllenhaal
its an a24 film and it fucking sucks
movie has to be restarted
movie movie moive
film film film
there's a cute girl and all the nekos love her
someone joins the discord watch party channel and shouts the n word over and over again until they're banned and everyone agrees it was the funniest part of the film
taters, onions and eggs shows up and all the old nekos rejoice

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the movie starts at 10 past
i eat 48 donuts during the movie
the movie spawns a funny reference going forward (northmen, cave, is this movie about onlyfans?)
the movie is swedish and is fucking awful (border, that one comedy film from a few weeks ago)
the movie is about england and is fucking kino (this is england)

I loaded up Space Station 13's Colonial Marines, which is the most popular server. It's a server where you play as... Colonial Marines... Like from the film ALIENS. I woke up out of my cryopod, got dressed, grabbed my gear, and spent 20 minutes afk waiting for us to actually land.

I died 2 minutes later to a xenomorph ambush.

I elected not to include cosplay and tiktok as these are activities I view, rather than partake in.

I also elected not to add cartoons, as whilst I love Avatar: The Last Airbender, liking one cartoon does not signify liking an entire medium.

I also elected to not include Reich Parkeep in my mod because of the lore changes between Arena and Morrowind.

I also elected to not include Roblox because Roblox is a shit game for trans nekos.

I also elected Kamala Harris as the first woman president of the United States. Yaaaaaas, go queen.

I learned weeks ago that he never actually says "Yevgeni, where is the fucking ammo." Because... he is Yevgeni...

He calls out multiple other russian officials, but he is the one called Yevgeni, he doesn't ask himself for ammo.

I have elected to continue saying Yevgeni in regards to the where is the ammo statement because I believe it flows better than Shoigu or Gerasimov. Then again, Gerasimov also sounds funny. Maybe I'll try that.


Posting about cosplay, discussing which cosplays you like the most, learning the different characters and hoping your favourite cosplayer posts more cosplay is partaking in the cosplay fandom, I'd say
Same could be said for tiktok

The leader of the Wagner group, a Russian mercenary company employed to fight in Ukraine.

Their leader, Yevgeni Prighozin made a public video in a field of dead Russian soldiers, verbally attacking Russian military officials for undersupplying his company with supplies, most importantly Ammo.

He would, a few months later, lead his company to Moscow in an apparent coup attempt. A week later he was dead.

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I guess, though I still think most people would mean that they do actually cosplay by saying "I'm into cosplay" while same is not true for tiktok (doesn't automatically mean you create toks)
And you should be whitepilled instead since it's GOALS to have a girl that would let you do that instead.

I would like to also remind you that I've played with baby mods on that made the game easy enough to have fun as every class.
Unless they reworked true melee significantly it's literally not a thing, I think it was like a damage type on some weapons so you can't even use whole screen "melee" weapons.

Yeah, I'm gonna grind valorant for 14 hours a day now. That's where all the cute, single e-girls hang out. I will have a gf by the end on September.

Enjoy playing modded terraria and leveling up your dilation skill to defeat the NHS gender clinic mini-boss. I'll be (virtually) pounding some (virtual) pussy.

> watching a terraria speedrunner do a 1hp hardcore master playthrough
> late hardmode they get an item that grants a guaranteed dodge (on a long cooldown), about 60% into the run
> gets hit
> "Erm...."
very funny reaction

Speaking of beds, my new mattress is hilariously small width-wise. If any of the nekos ever came for a sleep over we'd have to cuddle up real close to stay on the bed.

My parents have got a new tv and it interpolates frames to make everything look "smoother" and more "high definition"
Absolutely rank, is what it makes it is. Looks disgusting and I could never watch anything on that tv without feeling gross.
Reminds me of those interpolated and upscaled kototoks. The only thing that managed to make me not want to watch a kototok desu

A casino video showed up on my recommended and the premise was he lost 10k last weekend, so he was going in with 2k to try and 5x it and win his money back.

Brother just played virtual games for the whole video. Actual gambling addict. If you're AT the casino, why not play at the tables??????

Ah, and we can't forget the disadvantage you're given yourself by trying to beat this challenge whilst simultaneously being out of estrogen pills.

Everyone knows estrogen is like a super power drug for trans women.

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The NHS have already given too much to you Trans-Clan. My clan have been apart of the taxpayers since the founding of parliament, your clan has only been around for 30 years and already are given subsidies for your 'health needs'.

I'm too much of an ESL (English Sole Language) to comprehend if you are or aren't saying Noemi has a good tummy. 

So I will just assume you are intelligent, like me, and think her tummy is good.

take my +2 kind stranger

all 3 mech bosses DEAD
not gonna front, the true melee weapons are broken and the only difficulty comes from dodging shit for long enough to build adrenaline so you can do 60k dps for 10 seconds

9 empty slots on the bingo card...
it wont be done by evening
also movie is Blue Spring (2001) aka the movie another anon was supposed to stream as a movie night back in 2021 on 2chen but then never did

I'm afraid of the way that I live my life
I'm afraid of the way I don't
I'm afraid of the things that I wanna do but I won't

I'm afraid of God
I'm afraid to believe
And I'm afraid of all the loved ones that I made leave
I'm afraid that my dog doesn't love me anymore

I'm afraid of the social laziness that let Kitty Genevese Die
And I'm afraid of the mob mentaility
That makes otherwise normal people go blind
I'm afraid of the way that the world works
And I'm afraid of the words in my notebooks
I'm afraid that you all know that I am a pervert

But the Big Red Bird that lives under the city
Doesn't give a damn about me
And it dies every night
By burning alive

I'm afraid of my grandfather's cancer
And I'm afraid of my mom's dying arm
I'm afraid that I've somehow caused my family harm
I'm afraid that the ones I love won't have enough
I'm afraid that the ones I love won't have enough

It's harder to be yourself
Than it is to be anybody else
I wish I were a little less of a coward
But the Big Red Bird that lives under the city
Doesn't give a damn about me
And it dies every night
So I bought a knife
I am a knife
I am a knife man

Come in God
God come in God
Damn, you're a fu
Well, I guess the reason why I'm talking to you tonight is
´Cause I've been doing a lot of posting and
I consider myself a pretty cool cat
And I've never cheated on any of my tokfus
Well, well except that one little time on .moe but
That was just on megu, and megu doesn't count right?
Ah, thanks God, I knew you'd understand
Well, I just feel like, 
Well, to be honest with you
God, I just want a sweet fu
You know, somebody that dances, not too fast
But not too slow
´Cause I don't have it all my damn self
And life ain't easy
You know you just want a tokfu by your side to help smooth that thang out
You know what I'm talking bout?
And, at this point
I mean I am not being picky
She doesn't even have to have a big ol' ass, you know
Just something well proportioned to her body
You know a nice little tail, you know
You say, you say you found somebody?
Is she cute?
So when do I get to meet her?
Ah, God your the greatest
Well, I guess I'll talk to you later
Oh I'm sorry, I'm sorry
A lady


Not much actually, it's okay-ish (like 30 in shade) but I still don't like it.

> To all the initiators and patrons of Nord Stream 1 and 2. The only thing you should do today about it is apologise and keep quiet.
What do you think about this hit tweet by my prime minister EFL neko?

I did actually use a little of ChatGPT for my application, I don't know how people write so much fucking nonsense, so I generated a few responses to read the sort of stuff it spit out. 

It felt like just waffle, it's weird to be taught in school as a kid to be concise, then to do a STEM degree where the objective is to be concise, and then go into job applications where you write a paragraph that essentially boils down to "My last job required keeping data organised, so I've got good organisational skills." But you can't write that, every event has to be a mini-story in it's own right.

Nobody reads these applications, they can't, they're too fuckhuge long.

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The copium is running out. I got actually pretty fat over the last 3 weeks. Well it was longer in the making but not working out almost at all for the last 3 weeks definitely didn't help. 
I think I'm going on a diet, time to put down the fork...

> I want to bike but that shit burns like 2 kcal per 10 km
Not if you go fast :)
> Cardio is so boring desu, at least all effective cardio is
It is very boring but I mean... You gotta do what you gotta do sometimes.

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Do you guys also have this fuckery where youtube will change the layout by ITSELF every I dunno few days/hours or something?
I'm talking about the main site, it has been trying out double shorts (2 rows, shorts, row, shorts), big thumbnails (4 videos per row) and today no shorts at all (I did not click the button to hide shorts either, I know it's somewhere there since I remember clicking it before)
They really love fucking with end-user it seems lmao.
And I opened another tab, same browser, next to each other and the layout is different, it's so freaking uncanny...

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I have legit just blocked the css elements for 90% of the shit sites like youtube and twitch tries to push on you nowadays
Sure, it breaks the functionality of the site in unexpected ways but I havent been recommended a single youtube short since they came out because of it or rather, I have probably been recommended them but they dont show up

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I would've blocked the CSS too long time ago if not for certain TOKFUS that REFUSE to post EVERY TOK on TIKTOK...
So now instead I sometimes scroll down to the shorts to see if anything new is there and most of the time it shows me new toks since those are the only shorts I click lmao

Unrelated but I get a feeling that susu is very self conscious about her chest area, just a hunch

She doesn't seem to be comfortable in those recent toks, she very much avoids the fits that show it off and I'm also projecting some features of my ex which might or might not be true (they are very similar though I think, well not looks-wise but mentally)

Life would be wonderful if my internet didn't cut out every 10 minutes because it's raining so I guess we're ALL OUT OF INTERNET JUICE GOD FUCK

I am the head of the Neko Truthseeker's Association and I put my best men on this post and the results are astounding.


Life would be wonderful for the former Bonald if we all were instead referring to him as Alice.

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Oldnekos remember the fact that the Truthseekers Association doesn't have an apostrophe but there are no oldnekos left but me, Bonald, the founder and original boardmember of the Truthseekers Association
These alley cats worship a false idol and believe His lies.

im sorry bonald you arent trans
infact, nobody here is trans
we're just straight nekos living in a blue world and all day and all night and everything we see is just blue like us inside and outside

Listened to some electronic music before bed and now my entire worldview has been thrown off course. I am now disillusioned with life and am having thoughts towards the extent of "Everything is a spook and I don't care about any of it"

Maybe someday I will actually make my software usable to people...
It is improbable though and giving you a codebase that is literally incomprehensible for you to run is kinda... wack. As in it is usable but if you wanted to trace through wtf it actually does would be an ordeal.
But I don't have any new good toks NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

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