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Syrian President Bashar Assad Resigns, Leaves Country After Jihadists Take Over

Damascus has fallen. Unverified reports say President Assad and top officials have fled to Dubai or elsewhere but the situation overnight is fluid and anything but clear in terms of the location of top leadership. They may be in Latakia on the coast, or headed there. What is clear, however, is that the jihadists have entered the heart of the capital.

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that President Bashar Assad of Syria has stepped down as Syria's president and left the country after issuing instructions for a peaceful transition of power.

Moscow stated it was not involved in the negotiations leading to his decision and called on all parties in Syria to avoid violence and pursue a political resolution.

Russia confirmed its military bases in Syria are on high alert but reported no immediate threats.

This comes after the Jihadist terrorist organization known as HTS took-up arms and began attacking major cities in Syria.  They were joined by the Syrian Defense Force (SDF) - a rag-tag group of radicals supported and supplied by the West.  HTS and SDF were also joined by another group of violent whack-jobs, calling themselves the Free Syrian Army (FSA).

HTS is the successor group to the Al-Nusra Front, part of the head-chopping-maniacs of "ISIS" known as Islamic States of Iraq and Syria, which, as most folks know, were also head-choppers, and part of the Al-Qaida terrorist group that the US government also used to fund for covert regime change operations back in the 1980s and later in the 2010s under Obama.

Just days ago, when HTS began its assault against Syria, a particular incident took place that signaled who - precisely - is behind this entire debacle.   

Cell phones, walkie-talkies, and pocket pagers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) began EXPLODING throughout Syria. The SAA was thus hobbled at the very critical start of the HTS operations.

The SAA is the legitimate, duly-constituted standing Army of the country of Syria.   So when their cell phones, walkie-talkies, and pocket pagers began exploding, it tipped the hand of those who are actually behind this affair: Israel.

Readers will recall that Israel perpetrated the same action against Hezballah in Lebanon at the start of the Israeli incursion into that country, with so many pocket pagers, cell-phones, and walkie-talkies exploding, that literally thousands of Hezballah forces were crippled or killed.

So everything having to do with terrorism in Syria beginning in 2011, to the present day overthrow of Syria's government, is all demonstrably connected to Israel.