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Syrian President Bashar Assad Resigns, Leaves Country After Jihadists Take Over

Damascus has fallen. Unverified reports say President Assad and top officials have fled to Dubai or elsewhere but the situation overnight is fluid and anything but clear in terms of the location of top leadership. They may be in Latakia on the coast, or headed there. What is clear, however, is that the jihadists have entered the heart of the capital.

The Russian Foreign Ministry announced that President Bashar Assad of Syria has stepped down as Syria's president and left the country after issuing instructions for a peaceful transition of power.

Moscow stated it was not involved in the negotiations leading to his decision and called on all parties in Syria to avoid violence and pursue a political resolution.

Russia confirmed its military bases in Syria are on high alert but reported no immediate threats.

This comes after the Jihadist terrorist organization known as HTS took-up arms and began attacking major cities in Syria.  They were joined by the Syrian Defense Force (SDF) - a rag-tag group of radicals supported and supplied by the West.  HTS and SDF were also joined by another group of violent whack-jobs, calling themselves the Free Syrian Army (FSA).

HTS is the successor group to the Al-Nusra Front, part of the head-chopping-maniacs of "ISIS" known as Islamic States of Iraq and Syria, which, as most folks know, were also head-choppers, and part of the Al-Qaida terrorist group that the US government also used to fund for covert regime change operations back in the 1980s and later in the 2010s under Obama.

Just days ago, when HTS began its assault against Syria, a particular incident took place that signaled who - precisely - is behind this entire debacle.   

Cell phones, walkie-talkies, and pocket pagers of the Syrian Arab Army (SAA) began EXPLODING throughout Syria. The SAA was thus hobbled at the very critical start of the HTS operations.

The SAA is the legitimate, duly-constituted standing Army of the country of Syria.   So when their cell phones, walkie-talkies, and pocket pagers began exploding, it tipped the hand of those who are actually behind this affair: Israel.

Readers will recall that Israel perpetrated the same action against Hezballah in Lebanon at the start of the Israeli incursion into that country, with so many pocket pagers, cell-phones, and walkie-talkies exploding, that literally thousands of Hezballah forces were crippled or killed.

So everything having to do with terrorism in Syria beginning in 2011, to the present day overthrow of Syria's government, is all demonstrably connected to Israel.

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US-Russia  Assad for Zelenskyy  deal????

Rumors Swirl About The West Planning To 'Exile' Zelenskyy

If a ceasefire is reached in Ukraine, the West is considering “exiling” Volodymyr Zelensky to London, writes Do Rzeczy, citing a report out of the Spanish daily El Mundo via government sources in Kyiv. 

A rumor has been circulating in diplomatic circles in the Ukrainian capital for two weeks that if a ceasefire occurs, the West will convince Zelensky to “exile” himself to the U.K. and presidential elections will be held in Ukraine.

European peacekeeping forces, mainly troops from Great Britain and France, would then be deployed in Ukraine. Kyiv could also count on “rapid” accession to the European Union and aid for the country’s post-war reconstruction.

Ukraine had a bad November, with Russia occupying the largest amount of territory in Ukraine since March 2022, mainly in the east of the country, near Pokrovsk, according to experts from the American Institute for the Study of War (ISW).


He sure did wait until it was late too late to suggest otherwise. Significant of someone who only throws pearls before swine nearest the chopping block, sanctifying any present doubt on how the future is to be directed by the hands of someone more interested in themselves than in those who look up to them. However, the movement created by his opposition ought to be reviewed by many as a wake-up call--stand your ground now and let no other walk over you.

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Ahh that's just depressing. Seeing all these countries in the Levant, literally the Cradle of Civilization, go out by getting blown to bits just makes me feel pretty bad

Even /ausneets/ is talking what's going. Hell of a way to end the year though. 
Yeah maybe. Maybe his assistants are reading off a script. Maybe his hands are tied. I'm thinking it's more of the former.

UPDATE: Assad and his family remain safe within Moscow, Russia.

Syria is now run by the Jihadist militants. Future of stability in Syria is certainly questionable. 


As for rumors about a negotiation between the incoming Trump administration and Putin's administration regarding Ukraine and Syria, just that, mere speculation until proven true, or false. I guess we will see what happens to Ukraine and the Zelenskyy government. Time will tell.

What is clear is now that Russia is no longer bogged down in Syrian affairs, at least not for some time, Russia can dedicate full time dealing with the war in Ukraine which is very bad news for Zelenskyy. Expect Russia to roll ahead full steam as the West decides what to do with Zelenskyy and how to pull out of the mess.


Looks like the winners of Project Ukraine might have been completely unpredictable until now: US, Russia and Israel will be the beneficiaries.

The losers of Project Ukraine seem to be (obviously) Ukraine, Syria and Europe.  Europe being more economically and politically impacted.

Critical building infrastructure, Immigration and Passport, caught on fire and collapsed. Deliberately, this is done deliberately to remove any history of past and current citizens documentation. What is notable? With past citizenship papers now destroyed, there now exists no trace of who is or was a citizen, meaning the incoming parties can now use Syria as a proxy to get potential asylum access to anywhere they want given the nations open to them allow said access.

What can be determined by this outcome is with Israel "the star gorges itself on clay" moving in for more land grab, Turkey moving in for power, Oil Corps laying down groundwork to tap oil, and Al-CIAda removing opposing parties (including Christians). Another notable occurrence is the media blackout so that no one will familiarize themselves with potential incoming refugee/asylum seekers.

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Fucking pricks. They'll soon massacre unarmed Syrian women and children with the same lazy propaganda, if they haven't already.
Next will be Saudis, Egyptians or Iraqis.
Following them will be anywhere in the world, if the world continues to do nothing but peacefully protest and only the Leftards even leave their homes to do so.

Their Jihadists are already killing and raping innocent Syrians anon, it's really evil, horrible times for Syria. I feel very bad for them, yet here we are again, the world closing their eyes to all the evil as if nothing has happened.  And you are RIGHT!  This will continue to happen until some nation, whether it be Russia or China or whomever, decides to put an end to this evil once and for all. Probably won't be the USSA or Europe because we are ruled by neo-con Zionist war pigs. I have no doubt if they had their way the whole world would be suffering the same fate as Syria (except for their beloved Demagogue Israel, heaven forbid the "CHOSEN ONES"!!!).

Anyway, no matter what happens, prepare for the worst as best you can and stay out of the front lines of their wars. I have a feeling the world is about to get ugly, hopefully it won't come to our own soil. If it does, fight for your own family and property and nothing more.

Right now, many BRICS nations are holding emergency meetings, ....what do they do when there are a few hostile nations that are ruthlessly pushing for war, who support brutal terrorist occupation, who condone genocide of innocent populations, who have become instinctively EVIL and DESPOTIC?.... what do they do?.... Do they sit back and take it?..... One victim after another?.... Or do they finally fight back, with the risk of all nuclear HELL to unleash upon humanity... possibly ending life for all of us?.... What to do?


yeah it's pretty bad.

> They'll soon massacre unarmed Syrian women and children
I hope not. Hope everyone evacuates and goes to some place like Jordan or Lebanon.

They already won, so what's the point in being so edgy?

> Next will be Saudis,
Maybe not. 

> Egyptians or Iraqis.
This one I think already happened.

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I mean even if they get it, what do they even hope to get from it?

Building that magic temple they want? It'll just get wrecked again. Just like the other 9+ times it's gotten wrecked in its history by Persians, Romans, Assyrians, Babylonians, and so on. The next time won't be any different.

Having a magical messiah man come from nowhere and give them everything? They've had so many that were fake that accomplished nothing. The next one won't be any different.

Having all of them move there? Most of them don't want to live there. No good jobs. Low salaries. Etc.

And who wants to live in a destroyed warzone anyway? 

Things will mend themselves eventually I think.

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