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/nhpol/ - Non-'Huwhite, Non-PC

shed light upon le 'huwhite

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> american internet right wing's biggest accomplishment is electing the greatest zionist ever seen in the USA's history

really makes u think

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Welcome to /nhpol/!

nh stands for Non-'Huwhite

'Huwhite (noun, adjective) -

An English-speaking identarian Caucasian person. Usually young, teen to thirties and predominantly male. 'Huwhites lack any identity other than their perceived or real racial heritage to a poorly defined European or Northwestern-European descent. The majority of them hail from Jewish, Protestant or Atheist families. English monoglottery is a defining characteristic of the 'Huwhite.

etymology: 'hu + white, from the joking, overstressed imitation of a prominent 'Huwhite, Jared Taylor's pronounciation of the English word 'white' in a Mid-Atlantic accent.

other spellings: 'hwhite, hwhite, huwhite, h*white, wh*te

Goals of the board:
- to provide a pre-2015 /pol/, or even /new/ experience
- in order to combat both the 8chan ameri/pol/ and the endchan nazipol monotheisms, further inspiration should be taken from 4chon's /pol/ in style at least if not in content
- to provide a safe haven for ideas that neither /pol/s are willing to entertain anymore: pro-EU, pro-Islam, pro pedophilia, pro-liberty, anarcho capitalistic, etc.  

I used to run simililarly minded /pol/s on now-defunct imageboards and based on those experiences I urge you to prepare for a slew of triggered people spamming and/or government agency push to make this place's existence impossible. 

My name's Woody Allen and I hope you'll have a great time on /nhpol/!
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> pro pedophilia
seemed like a promising idea until that part.  If that's your stance I hope you get die slowly
> pro pedo
> pro EU
> pro islam
> anarchism
lmao fuck you you're worse than /pol/ is you fucking fag, enjoy your dead board
/pol/ is pro-pedo already. The reason they shun anime posters is because they can barely contain themselves when they see a naked little girl and immediately want to rape her, so they blanket ban it for convenience to stay on topic like the congress bans cocaine and booze, at least during a sitting. It's because it's full of white Americans, the world class of child abusers.

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I have been missing out on the pedosphere but now I'm seeing alt-huwhite public-intellectuals youtubers put up videos about
> muh youtube's pedo problem

Has anyone seen one of those? Can you give me a rundown? I suspect it's just the regular 'huwhite prudery but I don't want to get mad about it.

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