/nigger/ - Niggerish/Degenerated Niggers

Dedicating to killing niggers/hooker/hindu/csc/etc with justification by the Goverment

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1/full name ??? + Entire house 
2/full name ??? [later]
3/full name ??? [later]

[Description + Address]
Married to a fat dyke csc has dog shitted hair looks shitfaced  most often in the mornings

enabling them to sexually Assualt random people in the neighborhood here. by force

niggers description 

nigger skin 6ft dreads probably  
idk or care 

has 2 biological biracial niggers who has curly brown hair  
in Elementary school

[lives with relatives as of right now]
2 adopted niggers weight 100lb range both skinny 1 bald and 1 bald probably has same 

2  Obese niggers above 200lb 1 bald and 1 retarded haircut???

Their in there 20s now i think 1 nigger is not. but parents look in 40s 

Currently lives in 778 est 41 van central Fraser blue house  

their offence is rape/pedophile  as a Entire family. there is more description to the others

idc its funny B) if interested in doing this for me and the people (///*/\~/\*) 

i said if interested no reward 
just interested out of Justification.

police are lazy here so yeah

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