/normie/ - Normie Reservation

Where we sent the displaced Facebooking natives of this domain name.

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Hi guys, I love this endchan thing, kind of like facebook but for young people.

I first read about it here: https://www.cnet.com/news/8chan-4chan-endchan-heres-what-you-need-to-know-about-image-boards/

Then when I was on the phone to one of my work friends, he said there was a Qanon community here and I knew I'd fit right in.

Can't wait to start browsing around and posting in all these 'boards'.

One thing I am a little curious though, how do you send people PMs here?

Thanks, please like and share so more people see this.
I just figured out this twitter thing, and I found an account I love. Really smart memes, the best. We're so clever. Do you 'member the 60's? I do! Those were the days!
Hey guys, puss feels so great. I had some little teen puss last night and have had it loads of times before.
Well, off to my job now, then later me and the boys are going out to crush more puss. Life is so easy and fun. Loving life at 58.
The Circle was a terrible film that teaches kids the subversive message that they should stop using social media. How are we going to know what our kids are doing if they stop checking in on Facebook? The director should be ashamed of himself, and the film should never have been produced. We should order a boycott of the studio so they never attack social media again.
<A girl and a boy were driving a car. Suddenly the boy stopped the car and asked the girl to step out of the vehicle, without any explanation.

<The girl got pissed, removed all her facebooks and ripped all the photos.

<The next day the girl heard that the boy had died, as he had driven into a wall.

<The boy had noticed that there was a wall infront of them, had stopped the car, and saved the girls life, before he had driven into the wall.

<90% of people are too cold-hearted to reply to this post.

<Prove that you are the 1% that has a warm heart, who cares about true love, and share this message forward.

<One reply counts as a one prayer.
I took this picture with my girl on my Europe trip. I'll make a map of places I've been and upload a 8 gigabytes of selfies in front of famous landmarks to a gallery later.
Tonight at 12:30am to 3:30am make sure to turn off the phone, cellular, tablet, ect...and put away from your body. Singapore television announced the news. Please tell your family and friends. Toinght,12:30am to 3:30am for our planet will be very high radiation. Cosmic rays will pass close to earth. So please turn off your cell phone. Do not leave your device close to your body, it can cause you terrible damage. Check Google and NASA BBC news. Send this message to all the people who matter to you. 

Please share this status so that you'll be saving millions of lives
Hey guys did you watch that one giraffe blow another giraffe out of its vagina the other day? It was pretty much the most amazing thing ever.
I just thought you'd like to know there is probably no God. Click here >>>/atheism/
The new ADC is the first new champ that's been fun in a long time. Her kit is like Kallista, except she's looks different, in fact I can't tell the difference.  It's very gratifying to hit E and have all the feathers you threw return to their source and root whoever they touch with massive burst damage. The burst lol! The way she synches up with her partner is pretty fun too.
Hey Bros, want to join my discord group? I was thinking we could chat about our problems in life while we use our real names.
Hey did you guys see that popular show last night? I loved it and so did my son.




"Trust God, He is always Right, He will never leave you, He is always on time and He always has your best interest at heart."

I'm starting with that one because the guy who shared it has 1000 likes on facebook so I know it's a gem. All inspiring quotes I've saved are about trusting God or loving Jesus, I mean who needs to read philosophy when you've got facebook to sift out the gems?
What cars do you drive? I drive a white SUV, it's great for touting around my kid, and keeping up with my neighbors, while not standing out too much either. Only trouble is it's a gas guzzler. Just 120 more monthly payments and it's mine.
Here's a selfie of me eating some delicious foreign food right now. It's so goood!
==wut?== **Inconsiderate!** I am having trouble following.

Anyways I was out with my neighbor scavenging sheeting metal when it occurred to me. Only the top percentile of the world gets to eat everyday. Here I am with my homeslice and we are picking up shiny metal out of the trash. I rifle through trash and make enough cash to get drunk off of my sweet ass! Oh the mysterious me! Here is a shout out to all of the hard workers out there who are not fake but take one for the team to keep things going. Lets not go all pie in the sky this is about honesty and flavor. You have to have some good juices brewing in your sweat glands to marinate such a perfect hot dog man. He is the full Monty. No trick-backs rube this is the real.  Lets all give it up for the blades. We slice we slice I am feeling Japanese I slice so much.I really think so brother. I want to slice you a little shout-out in this sweet new digs you got here. We Normie nation fam woo!
Nintendo has done it again! I'm so excited I've reserved 5 Nintendo Switches. When it comes out I'll have one for my wife, me and my two kids, and for the kid on the way. We'll play sports games and classic donkey kong as a family.
I've created a new board XD 
Wow, it's just like a group chat! I love this site! Thank you to John Smith for telling me about this new facebook, hey John, do you want to go fishing on Sunday?

Oh before I forget, I'm using networking banners because big advertisements are what I'm used to and they make normies feel at home. :D

Please follow the rules and don't be offensive or obnoxious, this is a SFW board! :)

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