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thumbnail of guess-who-knees-photos-06302009-27-860x675.jpg
thumbnail of guess-who-knees-photos-06302009-27-860x675.jpg
guess-who-knees-photo... jpg
(284.18 KB, 860x675)
I can't right now, the wife wants me to torder pick up my kid from the dance recital...You know how wives are! XD

But I love her, and my daughter who is the smartest and most beautiful princess on the world. Here she is my best picture of her with my ex-babysitter.
How do I make a group? But first two me how to turn on the computer again Sam so I can give my kids back his Facebook gizmo.
I don't even know who you are or what any of those are. My nephew is a computer whiz and he said with Discord you can talk just like on a phone, but it's free.
You mean phone companies? Which do you recommend? I just want cheap internet so I can browse my Facebook and check my work email. I used to have AOL but it stopped working and the I couldn't fix it so I canceled it. Is IRC the fastest one because it has less letters for the computer to run through?
thumbnail of freedom.webm
thumbnail of freedom.webm
freedom webm
(4.89 MB, 500x281 vp8)
> free
Software Freedoms

"Free software" refers to freedom, not price. It means that the user has four essential freedoms:

Freedom 0 is the freedom to run the program as you wish.
Freedom 1 is the freedom to study the source code and change it to do what you wish
Freedom 2 is the freedom to help your neighbour. That's the freedom to make copies and distribute them to others: to give them away or sell them.
Freedom 3 is the freedom to help your community. That's the freedom to distribute modified versions, so that everybody can benefit from your contribution.
With all 4 of these essential freedoms, a program is a free software. That means that it is distributed in an ethical way, a way that respects everyone's freedom.

Then idea of a free software movement is that every software user should always have these freedom; no one should ever take these freedoms away from you.

The software you are describing as "free" is in fact nonfree software (proprietary software). This software can take control of its users.
Thanks for the helpful warning. I wI'll always support American programmers by buying their software, I am after all an American patriot. Tell me what software is from Communist countries and I'll tell my family to avoid them even if Mr. Putin pays for it. I didn't fight in the Korean War just to give my pension away to Communist programmers!
thumbnail of ibm linux commercial blac.webm
thumbnail of ibm linux commercial blac.webm
ibm linux... webm
(782.33 KB, 320x240)
> tfw most mainframes use free software
It's not like you can decide what software you want to use, it's what software you have to use in order to enjoy your daily convenient life.  

this board uses free software :^)
Well, if you're right about that then I'll just have to boycot those sites. Hopefully Trump can kick out the KGB spies and give the programming jobs back to our fellow American vets. I served in the 189th batallion and I intend to keep on fighting the Communists until the day I die!

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