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/normie/ - Normie Reservation

Where we sent the displaced Facebooking natives of this domain name.

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< A girl and a boy were driving a car. Suddenly the boy stopped the car and asked the girl to step out of the vehicle, without any explanation.

< The girl got pissed, removed all her facebooks and ripped all the photos.

< The next day the girl heard that the boy had died, as he had driven into a wall.

< The boy had noticed that there was a wall infront of them, had stopped the car, and saved the girls life, before he had driven into the wall.

< 90% of people are too cold-hearted to reply to this post.

< Prove that you are the 1% that has a warm heart, who cares about true love, and share this message forward.

< One reply counts as a one prayer.

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New Reply on thread #78
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